Part III


8. The End of Nations?: Globalisation




Eriksen, Thomas H. 2007. 'Nationalism and the Internet', Nations & Nationalism, Volume 13, Issue 1, Page 1-17- available electronically

Mann, M. 1997. 'Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state?,' Review of International Political Economy 4:3 Autumn , pp. 472-96  - [PC]

Globalisation: the argument of our time’, Discussion between Paul Hirst and David Held (22 - 1 – 2002), - available electronically




21st Century Challenges; how global crises provide the opportunity to change the world: Anthony Giddens, David Held, Mary Kaldor, Danny Kwah (globalist perspective)

John Gray on globalization (more skeptical view)


*Halikiopolou, Daphne and S. Vasilopolou. 2011. Nationalism and Globalisation: Conflicting or Complementary? (Abingdon: Routledge)


*Smith, Anthony D. 1995. Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, (Cambridge: Polity) (esp. ch. 1) - 320.54 SMI

*Smith, Anthony D. 1990. 'Towards A Global Culture?', Theory, Culture & Society, 7, 171-191. – Reference only

*Hirst & G. Thompson. 1995. Globalization in Question (Cambridge: Polity Press) - 337 HIR

Sheffer, Gabriel and Michael Dahan. 2001. 'Ethnic Groups and Distance Shrinking Communication Technologies,' Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 7, no. 1 (2001): 85-107. - Reference only

*Bayly, C.A. 2003. The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914 : global connections and comparisons (Malden, MA: Blackwell) - especially sections on pre-1780 period - [o/o]

Kaufmann, E. P. 1996. Review of Ohmae, Kenichi, 'The End of the Nation-State,' Nations and Nationalism, vol. 2, part 2, pp. 342-44- INGENTA

Thomas , Bella. 2003. 'What the World's Poor Watch on TV' , Prospect , January - Lexis-Nexis

Holsti, K.J. 2000. 'The Changing Nature of International Institutions: The Case of Territoriality,' IPSA Meetings, pp. 1-23 – [JNIS]

Spencer, P. and H. Wollmann. 2002. Nationalism: A Critical Introduction (London: Sage), ch. 6 - 320.54 SPE

Tomlinson, J. 1991. Cultural Imperialism (London: Pinter Publishers) - 306 TOM

Huntington, Samuel. 1996. The Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world order (New York: Simon & Schuster) - I2(Huntington)  

Hutchinson, J. 2005. Nations as Zones of Conflict (London: Sage), ch. 5


*McGrew, A. 1992. 'A Global Society,' in T. McGrew, D. Held and S. Hall (eds) Modernity and its Futures, (Oxford: Polity Press in association with the Open University, 1992) pp. 62-113. - KDD [Hal]

*Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1990 Nations and Nationalism Since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) Ch 6 - RAV [Hob] [PC]

*Anthony Giddens. 1999. Runaway World: how globalisation is reshaping our lives (London: Profile) - 306.2 GID

Waters, Malcolm. 1995. Globalization(London & New York: Routledge, 1995) - 306 WAT

*Ohmae, Kenichi. 1995. The End of the Nation-State (New York, NY.: The Free Press), esp. Intro & chs. 1 & 3 - 337.1 OHM

Kaldor, Mary. "Nationalism and Globalisation." Nations and Nationalism 10, no. 1/2 (2004): 161-178 - INGENTA

Wallace, Walter L. 1997. The Future of Ethnicity, Race and Nationality (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers) - 303.482 WAL

Smolicz, Jerzy J. 1998. 'Nation-States and Globalization from Multicultural Perspective: Signposts from Australia,' Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 4, no. 4 (1998): 1-18.  - Reference only

*Held, David. 1995. Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995) - 321.8 HEL

Wyatt, Andrew. 2000. ‘The BJP’s Conversion to Globalisation: Path Dependent versus Political Choice Explanations,’ IPSA Meetings – [JNIS]

Sigurdson, Richard. 2000. ‘Globalization and the Nation-State: Canada in a Postnational Context,’ IPSA Meetings – [JNIS]  

McGrew, A. 1992. Global Politics: Globalization and the Nation-State (Cambridge: Polity Press) - 327 GLO

*Rosenau, James N. 1997. Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier: Exploring Governance in a Turbulent World (Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press) - 327.109045 ROS

Featherstone, M. (ed). 1990. Global Culture: Nationalism, Modernity and Globalisation (London: Sage in association with Theory, Culture & Society) – [NIS]

Guehenno, Jean-Marie. 1995 [1993]. The End of the Nation-State (New York, NY.: The Free Press) - 909.829 GUE

*Ritzer, G. 1995. The McDonaldization of Society (Thousand Oaks, Calif.; London: Pine Forge Press) - 306.0973 RIT

Robertson, R. 1992. Globalization (London & New York: Routledge, 1995) - 306 ROB

Wallerstein, I. 1990. 'Culture as the Ideological Battleground of the Modern World-System,' in M. Featherstone (ed.), Global Culture: Nationalism, Modernity and Globalisation (London: Sage in association with Theory, Culture & Society) – [NIS]

Harris, N. 2003. The Return of Cosmopolitan Capital: Globalization, the State and War (London: I.B. Tauris) - 330.9 HAR


*Kotkin, J. 1992. Tribes: How Race, Religion and Identity Structure Success in the New Global Economy (New York: Random House) – [NIS]

Cohen, Robin. 1997. Global Diasporas: An Introduction (London: UCL Press, 1997) Chapter 7 and 8, esp. pp. 156-76 - 325.2 COH

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Anderson, Benedict. 1992. Long-Distance Nationalism: World Capitalism and the Rise of Identity Politics. (Berkeley, CA: Center for German and European Studies, University of California) – [NIS]


Essay Question

·        'Globalisation is Undermining the Nation-State.' Do you agree?  


9. Nationalism and European Unity




Anthony D. Smith, “National Identity and the Idea of European Unity”, International Affairs, 68 (1), 1992, 55-76. – Business Source Premier

Francis Fukuyama, 'European Identities: part II', American Interest, Jan. 12, 2012 


Aspect: Institutional Dynamics


Kraus, P.A. 2003. 'Cultural Pluralism and European Polity-Building,' Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 665-686 – Business Source Premier



Stanford Roundtable: the EU in Crisis - between integration and expansion

Opportunities and Challenges for Expansion

Michael Howard MP on European Integration (Euroskeptic view)



*Luedtke, Adam. 2005. 'European Integration, Public Opinion and Immigration Policy : Testing the Impact of National Identity ', European Union Politics, Vol. 6, No. 1, 83-112

*Risse, Thomas. 2010. A Community of Europeans?: transnational identities and public spheres (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press)

*Lauren M. McLaren. 2004. ‘Opposition to Eurpean integration and fear of loss of national identity: Debunking a basic assumption regarding hostility to the integration project’ European Journal of Political Research 43: 895-911

*M. Deflem and F. Pampel. 1996., “The Myth of Post-National Identity: Popular Support for European Unification” , Social Forces , 75 (1) , 1996 , 119-143. – [JNIS]

*Spiering , M. 1996. "National identity and European Unity , " in Wintle , M. J. (ed.) , Culture and Identity in Europe ( Aldershot : Avebury) - 306.094 CUL

*Delanty , Gerard. 1995. Inventing Europe : idea , identity , reality ( London : Macmillan) - 306.2094 DEL

Lauren M. McLaren (2002). ‘Public Support for the European Union: Cost/Benefit Analysis or Perceived Cultural Threat?’ The Journal of Politics, May 2002. vol. 64. no. 2.pp. 551-566

Eder, K. and Bernhard Giesen (eds.). 2001. European citizenship : between national legacies and postnational projects (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001.

Bruter, M. 2005. Citizens of Europe? The Emergence of a Mass European Identity (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan) - [NIS]

*Hutchinson, J. 2005. Nations as Zones of Conflict (London: Sage), pp. 15-45 - [o/o]

Christin, T, and Trechsel, A. 2002. 'Joining the EU? Explaining public opinion in Switzerland', European Union politics, Dec 2002, Vol.3, No.4, pp.415-444

Carey, S. 2002. 'Undivided loyalties: is national identity an obstacle to European integration?', European Union Politics, Dec 2002, Vol.3, No.4, pp.387-414 

Keane , John. 1995. “Nation , Nationalism and European Citizens” in S. Periwal , Notions of Nationalism ( Budapest : Central European University Press) , chapter 10. - 320.54 NOT

Cederman , L. 2000. Constructing Europe 's Identity: the External Dimension ( Boulder , CO : Lynne Rienner) – [ NIS ]

Kaufmann, E. 2003. 'The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in the Twentieth Century West: A Comparative and Historical Perspective on the United States and European Union,' Global Society, Vol. 17, no. 4 (2003), section on 'Cosmopolitanism in Europe' – (

Evans , Jocelyn. 2001. 'The Attitudinal Bases of Anti-EU Sentiment in Norway and Fran ce , ' paper presented at International Political Science Association , Quebec City , Canada , August. – [JNIS]

Nagel, K. 2004. 'Transcending the national/asserting the national: how stateless nations like Scotland , Wales and Catalonia react to European integration', Australian Journal of Politics and History , Mar 2004 , Vol.50 , No.1 , pp.57-74 

Heater , Derek. 1992. The Idea of European Unity (Leicester & London: Leicester University Press) - 320.94 HEA [PC]

Holland , M. 1993. European Integration: From Community to Union ( London : Pinter) - MDV/C [Hol]

*Galtung , Johann. 1973. The European Community: a Superpower in the Making ( Oslo : Universitetforlaget; London : Allen and Unwin), esp. ch. 2 – [ NIS ]

Hobsbawm , Eric. 1996. “Ethnicity and Nationalism in Europe Today” , in Gopal Balakrishnan (ed.) , Mapping the Nation ( London : Verso) , pp.255-66. - 320.54 MAP


Essay Question

·        Do you believe that the EU will supersede the nation-states of today? Why or why not?


10. Political Islam and Revolutionary Violence




Kepel , Gilles. 2002. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (London: Tauris), introduction and ch. 9- 322.10882971 KEP [PC]

Kepel , G. 2005. 'The War for Muslim Minds: an interview with Gilles Kepel , ' openDemocracy , 11 - 11 - 2005 <>

Kepel , G. 2002. 'The Trail of Political Islam , ' openDemocracy , 3-7-2002 <>  


Case 1: Iran


*Halliday, Fred. 1988. 'The Iranian Revolution: Uneven Development and Religious Populism,' in F.Halliday and H Alavi, eds., State and Ideology in the Middle East and Pakistan (Basingstoke: Macmillan) - PKW [Hal]


Case 2: Algeria and Sudan


Kepel , Gilles. 2002. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (London: Tauris), chs. 7, 11- 322.10882971 KEP [PC]

Podcasts (Quite Useful)

Gilles Kepel- The Future of Political Islam

Gilles Kepel- Trail of Political Islam - Kepel

John L Esposito, Who Speaks for Islam

Globalization and Islam - Olivier Roy

Tariq Ramadan - Muslims Today: A Radical Reform


*Kepel , Gilles. 2002. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (London: Tauris) - 322.10882971 KEP [PC]

*Roy, Olivier. 2004. Globalized Islam : the search for a new Ummah, The CERI series in comparative politics and international studies. New York: Columbia University Press.

*Roy , Olivier. 1994. The Failure of Political Islam (London: I.B. Tauris)

Kepel, Gilles. 2004. The war for Muslim minds : Islam and the West. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Ayoob, Mohammed. 2008. The many faces of political Islam : religion and politics in the Muslim world. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

*Toft, Monica. 2007. Getting Religion? The Puzzling Case of Islam and Civil War. International Security 4 (31):97-131.

Huntington , Clash of Civilizations , pp. 109-120 and ch. 10[PC] 909.829 HUN

Zubaida, S. 2003. Law and Power in the Islamic World (London & new York: I. B. Tauris), ch. 5 - 340.59 ZUB (see also review by Eric Kaufmann in Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 47, no. 1., (2004) - SwetsWise)

Tessler, M., and A. Jamal. 2008. 'Attitudes in the Arab World'. Journal of Democracy 19 (1):97-110.

Tessler, M. 2002. 'Do Islamic orientations influence attitudes toward democracy in the Arab world? Evidence from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Algeria'. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43 (3-5):229-249.

Gellner, E. 1981. Muslim Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Esposito, John L. 1984. Islam and politics. 1st ed, Contemporary issues in the Middle East. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press.

Esposito, John L. 2002. Unholy war : terror in the name of Islam. New York: Oxford University Press.

Levitt, Matthew, and Washington Institute for Near East Policy. 2006. Hamas: politics, charity, and terrorism in the service of jihad. New Haven: Yale University Press

Fox , Jonathan. 2002. 'Is Islam More Conflict Prone Than Other Religions?: A Cross-Sectional Study of Ethnoreligious Conflict , ' Nationalism & Ethnic Politics , vol. 6 , no. 2 , pp. 1-24 – Reference only

Goldberg, Ellis. 1991.  "Smashing Idols and the State: the Protestant Ethic and Egyptian Sunni Radicalism", Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 33 - JSTOR

Munson , Z. 2001. 'Islamic mobilization: Social movement theory and the Egyptian Muslim brotherhood , ' Sociological Quarterly , Vol. 42 , No. 4 , pp. 487-510 - Business Source Premier

Hussein, Shakira. 2005. 'The war on terror and the 'rescue' of Muslim women', in Islam in World Politics, edited by N. Lahoud and A. Johns. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, p. 93

UNDP. 2009. The Arab human development report 2009 : challenges to human security in the Arab countries. New York: United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Arab States, pp. 79-89

Moaddel, Mansoor. 2005. Islamic Modernism, Nationalism, and Fundamentalism: 

Episode and Discourse (Chicago and London: University of Chicago 


Litvak , Meir. 1996. 'Palestinian Nationalism and Islam: The Case of Hamas.' Nationalism and Ethnic Politics vol. 2 , no. 4 , pp. 500-522.  - Reference only

Ayubi , Nazih. 1991. Political Islam (London: Routledge) - 297.1977 AYU

Halliday , F. 2000. Nation and Religion in the Middle East (Boulder , CO: Lynne Rienner) - 322.10956 HAL

Munson , H. 1988.  Islam and Revolution in the Middle East (New Haven: Yale University Press) Part 1 - 322.10956 MUN

Razi , G. Hossein. 1990. 'Legitimacy , Religion and Nationalism in the Middle East , ' American Political Science Review , vol. 84 , no.1 , pp. 69-91- JSTOR

Zubaida , Sami. 1997. "Is Iran an Islamic State?" , in Joel Beinin and Joe Stork (eds.) , Political Islam , (Berkeley , CA: University of California Press) - 322.10956 POL

Halliday , Fran . 1996. Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East (London: Tauris) - 322.10956 HAL

Zubaida , S. 1988. Islam , the People and the State (London: Routledge) , Chs 1 and 6 - PKW [Zub]

Singerman , Diane. 1995. Avenues of Participation: Family , Politics and Networks in Urban Quarters of Cairo (Princeton: Princeton university Press) – [NIS]

Al-Azmeh , Aziz.1996. Islams and Modernities , 2nd Edition , (London; New York : Verso) - 306.697 ALA

Kepel , Gilles. 1995. The Revenge of God (Cambridge: Polity Press) – [NIS]

The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?

Huntington , Samuel P. 1993. "The Clash of Civilizations?" Foreign Affairs (Summer 1993):22-49
, John L. 1999. The Islamic Threat: myth or reality? (New York: Oxford University Press)

Lewis , Bernard. 1993. "The Return of Islam , " in Islam and the West (New York : Oxford University Press) , pp. 133-54

Egypt & Turkey

Baer , Gabriel. 1983.  "Islamic Political Activity in Modern Egyptian History" in G.R. Warburg and U.M. Kupferschmidt (eds.) Islam , Nationalism and Radicalism in Egypt and the Sudan (New York , NY: Praeger) - PKW [War]

Oncu , Ayse. 1994. "Street Politics" , in Oncu , Keyder and Ibrahim , (eds.) , Developmentalism and Beyond: Society and Politics in Egypt and Turkey (Cairo : American University) - 330.962 DEV

*Zubaida , Sami. 1996. 'Turkish Islam and National Identity' , Middle East Report , No. 199. – [e journals]


Roy , Olivier. 1994. The Failure of Political Islam (London: I.B. Tauris) , Introduction and Chapter on Iran. - OQB [Roy]

Abrahamian , Ervand. 1982. Iran Between Two Revolutions (Princeton: Princeton University Press) , Chapters 2 , 3 , 9 , 10 & 11.  Militant Islam , Part 1. - OPO [Abr] [PC]


Essay Question


·                    'Political Islam inevitably leads to conflict with the modern state.' Discuss.


11. Terrorism, with a Focus on Salafi-Jihad



Kepel , Gilles. 2002. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (London: Tauris), ch. 13 - 322.10882971 KEP [PC]

Pape, Robert Anthony. 2005. Dying to win: the strategic logic of suicide terrorism, 1st ed. New York: Random House, chs. 2 and 6

Tessler, M., and M. D. H. Robbins. 2007. What leads some ordinary Arab men and women to approve of terrorist acts against the United States? Journal of Conflict Resolution 51 (2):305-328.

Kepel G., Jason Burke, Shiraz Maher. 2009.  papers presented at: ''The Future of the Global Jihadist Movement', King's College, 1 October

Case 1: Saudi Arabia


Hegghammer, T. 2008. 'Islamist violence and regime stability in Saudi Arabia'. International Affairs 84 (4)


Case 2: Europe


Kepel, Gilles. 2004. The war for Muslim minds: Islam and the West, ch 7



Terrorism. Interview with terrorism theorist Bruce Hoffman

Gilles Kepel, Muslims in Modern Europe

Robert Pape interview

God and War - Mark Juergensmeyer

Scott Appleby - Responding to the Roots of Religious Violence

John Gray on globalization




*Pape, Robert Anthony. 2005. Dying to win: the strategic logic of suicide terrorism, 1st ed. New York: Random House

*Moghadam, A. 2006. 'Suicide terrorism, occupation, and the globalization of martyrdom: A critique of Dying to win'. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 29 (8):707-729.

Maher, Shiraz. 2010. 'Choosing Our Friends Wisely', Policy Exchange, chs 1-2. Also 

Juergensmeyer, Mark. 2001. Terror in the Mind of God. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Shahak, Israël, and Norton Mezvinsky. 2004. Jewish fundamentalism in Israel. New ed. London ; Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press.

Kushner , Harvey. (2003). Encyclopedia of Terrorism. Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage.

Laqueur, Walter. (1999) The New Terrorism. NY: Oxford Univ. Press.


*Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M., and C. Jones. 2008. 'Assessing the dangers of illicit networks - Why al-Qaida may be less threatening than many think'. International Security 33 (2)

Rai, Milan. 2006. 7/7 : the London bombings, Islam and the Iraq War. London ; Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press.

Roy, Olivier. 2004. Globalized Islam : the search for a new Ummah, The CERI series in comparative politics and international studies. New York: Columbia University Press.

Moghadam, A. 2009. Motives for Martyrdom Al-Qaida, Salafi Jihad, and the Spread of Suicide Attacks. International Security 33 (3):46-+.

Taseer , I. 2006. 'Dying to Kill: Interviewing a British Jihadist , ' Prospect , August Part I  Part II

Kepel , Gilles. 2002. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam (London: Tauris) - 322.10882971 KEP [PC]

Hoffman , B . 2005. 'The Changing Face of Al Qaeda and the Global War on terrorism , '  Studies in Conflict and Terrorism , Vol.27 , No.6 , pp.549-560 

Abuza, Z. 2004. 'Learning by doing: Al Qaeda's allies in Southeast Asia'. Current History 103 (672):171-176.

Jones, D., M. Smith and M. Weeding. 2003. 'Looking for the pattern: Al Qaeda in Southeast Asia - the geneology of a terror network', Studies in conflict and terrorism , Nov-Dec 2003 , Vol.26 , No.6 , pp.443-457 

Fair, C.C. 2004. 'Militant recruitment in Pakistan: implications for Al Qaeda and other organizations', Studies in conflict and terrorism , Nov-Dec 2004 , Vol.27 , No.6 , pp.489-504

Halliday, Fred. 2002. Two hours that shook the world : September 11, 2001 : causes and consequences. London

Barber , B. Fear’s Empire: War , Terrorism and Democracy , New York: WW Norton , 2003. -  o/o

Booth , K. and T. Dunne eds , Worlds In Collision: Terror and the Future Global Order , Houndsmills: Palgrave , 2002.

Crockatt , R.  ‘The Roots of Terror: Islam , the Middle East and the US ’ in America Embattled: September 11 , Anti-Americanism and the Global Order , London and New York : Routledge 2003 , SLC 327.73 CRO

Ali , T. The Clash of Fundamentalisms , London : Verso , 2002.

Hiro , D. War Without End: the Rise of Islamist Terrorism and the Global Response
London : Routlegde , 2002.

Popular Support for Terrorism

*Fair, C. 2006. 'Who supports terrorism? Evidence from Muslim countries' Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 29 (3), pp. 65, 68

Ramsay, Clay, Stephen Weber, Evan Lewis, and Ebrahim Mohseni. 2009. 'Public Opinion in the Islamic World on Terrorism, al Qaeda, and US Policies',, Program on International Policy Attitudes, University of Maryland

Pew Global Attitudes Project. 2005. 'Islamic Extremism: Common Concern for Muslim and Western Publics. Support for Terror Wanes Among Muslim Publics', July 14.

Haddad, S., and H. Khashan. 2002. 'Islam and terrorism - Lebanese Muslim views on September 11'. Journal of Conflict Resolution 46 (6):812-828;

Social Backgrounds of Terrorists

*Sageman , M. 2005. Understanding Terror Networks (Philadelphia: U. Pennsylvania Press) Summary at:  (backgrounds of 400 )

*Pape, Robert Anthony. 2005. Dying to win: the strategic logic of suicide terrorism, 1st ed. New York: Random House, ch. 10

Kimhi, S., and S. Even. 2004. Who are the Palestinian suicide bombers? Terrorism and Political Violence 16 (4):815-840.

Kimhi, S., and S. Even. 2004. Critical commentary on "who are the Palestinian suicide bombers?" Responses to comments. Terrorism and Political Violence 16 (4):851-853.

Weinberg , L , Pedahzur , A. , Canetti , B. Nisim , D. 2003. 'The Social and Religious Characteristics of Suicide Bombers and their Victims with some additional comments about the Israeli public's reaction , ' Terrorism and Political Violence , Vol.15 , No.3 , pp.139-153 

Pipes , D. 2002. 'God and Mammon: Does Poverty Cause Militant Islam?' , National Interest , Winter 2002 <>

Krueger , Alan B. and Jitka Maleckova. 2002. "Does Poverty Cause Terrorism? The economics and the education of suicide bombers , " New Republic , June 24


Essay Question


·                    Why do religious terrorists kill? Answer with reference to competing theories.