Weekly Readings


1. Demography, Migration and Power: Concepts and Trends



Goldstone, J. (2010). "'The New Population Bomb: The Four Megatrends That Will Change the World'." Foreign Affairs 1(89): 31-43.

Kaufmann, E. and M. D. Toft (2012). 'Introduction'. Political Demography: How Population Changes are Reshaping National Politics and International Security J. A. Goldstone, E. Kaufmann and M. Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 3-9.

Goldstone, J. (2012). "A Theory of Political Demography: Human and Institutional Reproduction". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 10-30.

Goldstone, J. (2012). "Politics and Demography: A Summary of Critical Relationships". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 268-275.



*Weiner, M. and M. S. Teitelbaum (2001). Political Demography: Demographic Engineering. New York & Oxford, Berghahn. Introduction, and pp. 1-22

Preston, S. H., P. Heuveline, et al. (2001). Demography : measuring and modeling population processes. Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishers.

Bashford, Alison. 2014. Global Population: History, Geopolitics, and Life on Earth (Cambridge: CUP)

McNeill, W. H. (1989). Plagues and peoples. New York, Anchor Books.

Petersen, William. 1964. The Politics of Population (London: Gollancz)

Diamond, J. (1997). Guns, Germs, and Steel: the Fates of Human Societies. New York; London, W.W. Norton & Co.


Essay Question

·         What are the main elements of demography, and how might they affect politics?


Webcast: launch of our book Political Demography, at the Wilson Center, Washington, January 2012

BBC. 2017. 'It's the Demography, Stupid,' January.


2. The 'Youth Bulge', Urbanisation and Violent Conflict in the Developing World



Urdal, H. (2012). "Youth Bulges and Violence". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions J. A. Goldstone, E. Kaufmann and M. Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 117-132.

Huntington, Clash of Civilizations , pp. 117-120

Willetts , D. 2003. 'Too Many Kids , ' Prospect , October - Lexis-Nexis



Urdal, H. (2006). "A clash of generations? Youth bulges and political violence." International Studies Quarterly 50(3): 607-629.

Madsen, E. L. (2012). "Age Structure and Development through a Policy Lens". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 81-97.

Ludwig, M. 2013. Youth Bulge and Mid-Life Moderation: Large Cohort Size Effects, Economic Perspectives and Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/53088/1/MPRA_paper_53088.pdf


Sommers, M. (2011). "Governance, Security and Culture: Assessing Africa's Youth Bulge." International Journal of Conflict and Violence 5(2): 293-303.

Ginges, J. (2005). "Youth bulges, civic knowledge, and political upheaval." Psychological Science 16(8): 659-660.

Hart, D., R. Atkins, et al. (2005). "Knowledge, youth bulges, and rebellion." Psychological Science 16(8): 661-662.

Sciubba, J. D. (2011). The future faces of war : population and national security. Santa Barbara, Calif., Praeger, ch. 2.

LaGraffe, D. 2012. The youth bulge in Egypt: An intersection of demographics, security, and the Arab spring Journal of Strategic Security, vol. 5, no.2, article 9.



Agbor,J, O Taiwo, J Smith. 2012. "Sub-Saharan Africa's Youth Bulge: A Demographic Dividend or Disaster?," Foresight Africa: Top Priorities for the Continent in 2012 - The Brookings Institution: Africa Growth Initiative, 2012


Zille,P, J Benjamin. 2011. Africa's Youth Bulge–Boon or Bust? Policy choices to assist unemployed youth, in Putting Young Africans to Work http://www.africaneconomicoutlook.org/fileadmin/uploads/aeo/PDF/Brenthurst-paper-2011-08-Putting-Young-Africans-to-Work.pdf


Brunborg, Helge, Ewa Tabeau and Henrik Urdal (eds.) 2006. The Demography of Armed Conflict (Dordrecht, London: Kluwer)

Weber, Hannes. "Age structure and political violence: a re-assessment of the “youth bulge” hypothesis." International Interactions 45, no. 1 (2019): 80-112.



Urdal, H. and K. Hoelscher (2012). "Explaining Urban Social Disorder and Violence: An Empirical Study of Event Data from Asian and Sub-Saharan African Cities." International Interactions 38(4): 512-528.

Bricker, N. Q. and M. C. Foley (2013). "The Effect of Youth Demographics on Violence: The Importance of the Labor Market." International Journal of Conflict and Violence 7(1): 180-194.


Saunders, D. (2010). Arrival city : how the largest migration in history is reshaping our world. New York, Pantheon Books.

Buhaug, H. and H. Urdal (2013). "An urbanization bomb? Population growth and social disorder in cities." Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 23(1): 1-10.

Urdal, H. and K. Hoelscher (2012). "Explaining Urban Social Disorder and Violence: An Empirical Study of Event Data from Asian and Sub-Saharan African Cities." International Interactions 38(4): 512-528.

Gizewski, P., T. F. Homer-Dixon, et al. (1995). Urban growth and violence : will the future resemble the past? Washington, American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Essay Question

What is the relationship between youthful populations and violence in the developing world?



Henrik Urdal, 'Demography and Conflict: How Population Pressure and Youth Bulges Affect the Risk of Civil War,' Wilson Center, 2007

3. Population Pressure, Climate Change and Resource Conflicts in the Developing World



Kaplan, Robert. 1994. "The Coming Anarchy", The Atlantic Monthly 

Matthew, R. (2012). " Demography, Climate Change, and Conflict". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 133-148.

Goldstone, J.,  "Demography, Environment and Security: an overview" in Weiner, M. and S. S. R. (eds) (2001). Demography and National Security. New York, Berghahn Books, pp. 38-61



*Mach, Katherine J. et al. (2019). ‘Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict,Nature (571), pp. 193-7 

Homer-Dixon, T. F. (1999). Environment, scarcity, and violence. Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford, Princeton University Press.

Homer-Dixon, T. F. and J. Blitt (1998). Ecoviolence : links among environment, population and security. Lanham, Md. ; Oxford, Rowman & Littlefield.

Urdal, H. (2008). "Population, resources, and political violence - A subnational study of India, 1956-2002." Journal of Conflict Resolution 52(4): 590-617.

Urdal, H. (ed)., Special issue on Climate Change and Conflict, Political Geography, Volume 26, Issue 6, August 2007, Pages 627–638.

Ostby, G., H. Urdal, et al. (2011). "Population Pressure, Horizontal Inequality and Political Violence: A Disaggregated Study of Indonesian Provinces, 1990-2003." Journal of Development Studies 47(3): 377-398.

Fearon, J. D. and D. D. Laitin (2011). "Sons of the Soil, Migrants, and Civil War." World Development 39(2): 199-211. earlier version


Dabelko, G. et. al. 2011. Navigating Peace Initiative: Water Conflict and Cooperation (Washington, DC: Wilson Center): http://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/ECSPReport13_NavigatingPeace.pdf

Percival, V., T. F. Homer-Dixon, et al. (1995). Environmental scarcity and violent conflict : the case of Rwanda. Washington, American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Raleigh, C. and H. Urdal (2007). "Climate change, environmental degradation and armed conflict." Political Geography 26(6): 674-694.

Urdal, H. (2005). "People vs. Malthus: Population pressure, environmental degradation, and armed conflict revisited." Journal of Peace Research 42(4): 417-434.

Burke et.al. (2014) Climate and Conflict, NBER Working paper, October https://www.nber.org/papers/w20598


The Great Population-Resources Debate:

Rosling, Hans. 2010. Global population growth, box by box, (TedCannes) https://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_on_global_population_growth

Mayhew, R. J. (2014). Malthus : the life and legacies of an untimely prophet. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.

Kaufmann, E. 2014. review of Mayhew, Malthus, Literary Review, June


Emmott, S. (2013). 10 billion. London, Penguin.

Weisman, A. (2013). Countdown : our last, best hope for a future on Earth? London and New York, Little, Brown.

Ehrlich, P. R. (1968). The population bomb. N.Y., Ballantine Books.


Dorling, D. (2013). Population 10 billion. London, Constable.

Ridley, M. (2010). The rational optimist : how prosperity evolves. London, Fourth Estate.

Simon, J. L. (1992). Population and development in poor countries : selected essays. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Pearce, F. (2011). Peoplequake : mass migration, ageing nations and the coming population crash. London, Eden Project.

Wattenberg, B. (2004). Fewer: How the New Demography of Depopulation will Shape our Future. Chicago, Ivan R. Dee.

Bricker, D. and John Ibbitson. (2019). Empty Planet (London: Robinson)

Longman, P. (2004). The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity and What to do About it. New York, N.Y, Basic Books.


Essay Question

·         How does population growth and climate change affect violent conflict in the developing world?




Population Growth, Environmental Degradation, and State-Sponsored Violence: The Case of Kenya, 1991-93, Wilson Center, 2000

Civil Strife in the Developing World: New Insights on Connections Among Environment, Demography, and Conflict, Wilson Center, May 2, 2006

Economic, Political Factors Increase Conflict Risk More Than Environmental, Demographic Ones, Argue Experts, Wilson Center, 2009


4. Population Aging, World Population Shifts and the Global Balance of Power



Howe, N. and R. Jackson (2012). "Demography and Geopolitics: Understanding Today's Debate in its Historical and Intellectual Context". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 31-48.

Haas, M. (2012). "America’s Golden Years?:U.S. Security in an Aging World". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 49-62.

Sciubba, J. D. (2012). "A New Framework for Aging and Security: Lessons from Power Transition Theory". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions J. A. Goldstone, E. Kaufmann and M. Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 63-80.



*Brooks, Deborah Jordan, Stephen G. Brooks, Brian D. Greenhill, and Mark L. Haas. "The Demographic Transition Theory of War: Why Young Societies Are Conflict Prone and Old Societies Are the Most Peaceful." International Security 43, no. 3 (2019): 53-95.

Haas, M. L. (2007). "A geriatric peace? The future of US power in a world of aging populations." International Security 32(1): 112-+.

Jackson, R., N. Howe, et al. (2008). The graying of the great powers : demography and geopolitics in the 21st century. Washington, D.C., Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Sciubba, J. D. (2011). The future faces of war : population and national security. Santa Barbara, Calif., Praeger.

Goldstone, J. (2007). Flash points and tipping points:  Security Implications of Global Population Changes, 2005-2025. Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC. http://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/flash-points-and-tipping-points-security-implications-global-population-changes. (also see video)

Morland, P. 2019. The Human Tide: How Population Shaped the Modern World (London: John Murray)

Demeny, P. and G. McNicholl. 2006. (eds.) The Political Economy of Global Population Change, special supplement to vol. 32, Population and Development Review, esp. ch. 1

Goldstone, J., H, Root and M. Marshall. 2013. 'The Impact of Global Demographic Changes on the International Security Environment,' US Institute of Peace International Security Series, Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, eds., GMU School of Public Policy Research Paper No. 2009-07. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm/SSRN_ID2289363_code654567.pdf?abstractid=1449145&mirid=3

Krebs, R. and J. Levy (2001). "Demographic Change and the Sources of International Conflict". New York, Berghahn Books., pp. 62-108

Morland, Paul. 2014. Demographic Engineering: Population Strategies in Ethnic Conflict (Basingstoke: Palgrave-MacMillan), ch. 1

NIC. 2013. Global Trends 2030 (Washington, DC; National Intelligence Council), ch. 3

Wattenberg, B. (2004). Fewer: How the New Demography of Depopulation will Shape our Future. Chicago, Ivan R. Dee.

Longman, P. (2004). The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity and What to do About it. New York, N.Y, Basic Books.


Essay Question

·         How important is population aging for the global balance of power in the twenty-first century?



Neil Howe, Richard Jackson, Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba, Book Discussion: The Graying of the Great Powers: Demography and Geopolitics in the 21st Century, Wilson Center, 2007

Jennifer Dabbs Sciubba, Book Launch: The Future Faces of War: Population and National Security, Wilson Center, 2011

Jack Goldstone, Flash Points and Tipping Points: Security Implications of Global Population Changes, 2005-2025, Wilson Center, 2007


5. The Piketty Thesis: Population Stagnation and the Politics of Inequality



Piketty, Thomas. 2014. Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Harvard University Press), pp. 72-84, 146-54, 164-71, 385-411

Summers, L. 2014. ‘The Inequality Puzzle’, Democracy, Issue #33 (Summer)


Piketty, Thomas. 2014. Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Harvard University Press)


Smith, N. 2015. ‘Piketty’s Three Big Mistakes,’ (interview with Matt Rognlie), March 27, Bloomberg.

Goodhart, C., Pratyancha Pardeshi, Manoj Pradhan. 2015. 'Workers vs pensioners: the battle of our time,'  Prospect, November 12

Evans-Pritchard, A. 2015. 'Deflation Supercycle is over as world runs out of workers,' Telegraph, 24 September

Rognlie, M. 2014. ‘A note on Piketty and diminishing returns to capital,’ esp. pp 1-3, 16-18, 23 plus figures at the end

Capital in the Twenty-First Century Wikipedia entry (for summary of critiques)


Krugman, P. 2014. ‘Is Piketty All Wrong?’, May 24, New York Times

Roberts, M. 2015. ‘Piketty update: graduate takes on a super star and comes up with a comforting conclusion’



BBC Newsnight 3-minute intro to the book 

Thomas Piketty TED talk Oct 6, 2014


6. Demographic and Democratic Transitions



Cincotta, R. and J. Doces (2012). "The Age-structural Maturity Thesis:  The Youth Bulge’s Influence on the Advent and Stability of Liberal Democracy?" in Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions , J. A. Goldstone, E. Kaufmann and M. Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Dyson, T. (2013). "On Demographic and Democratic Transitions." Population and Development Review 38: 83-102.



Weber, H. (2013). "Demography and democracy: the impact of youth cohort size on democratic stability in the world." Democratization 20(2): 335-357.

Nordas, R. and C. Davenport (2013). "Fight the Youth: Youth Bulges and State Repression." American Journal of Political Science 57(4): 926-940.

Wilson, Ben, and Tim Dyson. "Democracy and the demographic transition." Democratization 24, no. 4 (2017): 594-612.

Brooks, Deborah et al. (2019) “The Demographic Transition Theory of War”, International Security, February, pp. 53-95

Goldstone, J. A. (1991). Revolution and rebellion in the early modern world. Berkeley, University of California Press.


Essay Question

·         Does a demographic transition automatically lead to a democratic transition?



Richard Cincotta, Tunisia Predicted: Demography and the Probability of Liberal Democracy in the Greater Middle East, Wilson Center, 2011

Richard Cincotta, The Security Demographic: Assessing the Evidence, Wilson Center, 2006 (see Cincotta section)


7. Nationalism and Demographic Engineering



Morland, Paul. 2014. Demographic Engineering: Population Strategies in Ethnic Conflict (Basingstoke: Palgrave-MacMillan), ch. 2  (right-click, sign in with ITS password, then when e-book comes up, click as indicated below)



*Cote, Isabelle et. al. (2019). "People Changing Places: new perspectives on demography, migration, conflict and the sate (New York, NY: Routledge), esp. chs 1,2 (Africa),10 (UK/N America),11.

McNamee, Lachlan, and Anna Zhang. "Demographic Engineering and International Conflict: Evidence from China and the Former USSR." International Organization 73, no. 2 (2019): 291-327.

Bookman, M. Z. (1997). The demographic struggle for power : the political economy of demographic engineering in the modern world. London ; Portland, OR, Frank Cass.

McGarry, J. and B. O. L. (eds) (1993). The Politics of Ethnic Conflict Regulation. New York & London, Routledge, ch. 1

Weiner, M. and S. S. R. (eds) (2001). Demography and National Security. New York, Berghahn Books., chs 7-10

Weiner, Myron and Teitelbaum, Michael S. 2001. Political Demography: Demographic Engineering (New York & Oxford: Berghahn), ch. 5 (pp. 55-64) - [PC]

Fargues, P. 2000. 'Protracted National Conflict and Fertility Change: Palestinians and Israelis in the twentieth century,' Population and Development Review, Vol.26, No.3, pp.441-482 - JSTOR

Himmelfarb, Milton and Victor Baras (eds). 1978. Zero Population Growth-For Whom?: differential fertility and minority group survival (Westport, CT: Praeger)

Kanaaneh, R.A. 2002. Birthing the Nation: strategies of Palestinian women in Israel (Berkeley: University of California Press)

Anson, J and A. Meir. 1996. 'Religiosity, Nationalism and Fertility in Israel, European Journal of Population,' Vol.12, No.1, pp.1-25 – [JNIS]

Adsera, A. (2012). Fertility, Feminism and Faith: The Influence of Secularism and Economic Conditions  Whither the child? : causes and consequences of low fertility. in E. P. Kaufmann and W. B. Wilcox. Boulder, CO, Paradigm Press.

Cincotta, R. (2011). "Africa's Reluctant Fertility Transition." Current History 110(736): 184-190.

*King, L. 2002. 'Demographic Trends, Pronatalism, and Nationalist Ideologies in the late Twentieth Century,' Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol.25, No.3, pp.367-389 - INGENTA


Essay Question

·         What are the main forms of demographic engineering, and the key dimensions on which they differ. Answer with respect to several case studies.


8. Ethno-Demographic Shifts and Conflict



Kaufmann, E. (2011). "The Demography of Ethnic Conflict." Journal of Ethnopolitics 10(3-4): 367-368.

Green, Elliott. 2012. 'Demographic Change and Conflict in Contemporary Africa', in Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions, edited by J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 238-251

Nordas, R. (2012). 'The Devil in the Demography? Religion, Identity and War in Cote D'Ivoire. Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 252-267.


Podcast: Me in a tie (!) speaking at the launch of our book Political Demography, at the Wilson Center, Washington, January 2012: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/political-demography-identity-institutions-and-conflict-book-launch  (click on webcast 2, from 35:40 minutes, to hear my talk on the political demography of ethnicity, religion and nationalism). You may also wish to check out some of the other speakers, especially Jack Goldstone in webcast 1.



*Wimmer, A. (2008). "The making and unmaking of ethnic boundaries: A multilevel process theory." American Journal of Sociology 113(4): 970-1022.

*Kaufmann, E. (2011). "Demographic Change and Conflict in Northern Ireland: Reconciling Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence." Journal of Ethnopolitics 10(3-4): 369-89.

Horowitz, Donald L. 1985. Ethnic Groups in Conflict (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985), pp. 175-181 ('the fear of extinction'); 194-196 ('winning the census'); 262-265 ('When paths cross')  - 305.8 HOR – [PC]

*Slack, J. A. and R. Doyon. 2001. 'Population dynamics and Susceptibility for Ethnic Conflict: the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina,' Journal of Peace Research, Vol.38, No.2, pp.139-161 - JSTOR

*Toft, M. D. 2007. 'Population shifts and civil war: A test of power transition theory.' International Interactions 33 (3):243-269.

*Toft , Monica. 2002. ‘Differential Demographic Growth in Multinational States: The Case of Israel’s Two-Front War’ , Review of International Affairs (Fall)

Alba, R. D. and V. Nee (2003). Remaking the American mainstream : assimilation and contemporary immigration. Cambridge, Mass. ; England, Harvard University Press.

Alba, R. D. (2009). Blurring the color line : the new chance for a more integrated America. Cambridge, Mass. ; London, Harvard University Press.

Fearon, J. D. and D. D. Laitin (2011). "Sons of the Soil, Migrants, and Civil War." World Development 39(2): 199-211.earlier version

Ozkirimli, U. (2010). Theories of Nationalism: A Critical Introduction (2nd Ed.). Basingstoke, Macmillan.

McNeill, W. (1986). Polyethnicity and National Unity in World History. Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

Lynch, G. 2011. 'The wars of who belongs where: the unstable politics of autochthony on Kenya’s Mt Elgon', Journal of Ethnopolitics 10(3-4), pp 391-410

Doherty, Paul. 1996. 'The Numbers Game: the demographic context of politics,' in A. Aughey and D. Morrow (eds.), Northern Ireland Politics (London, Longman), pp. 199-209 - 320.941609 NOR

Conversi, Daniele. 1997.  'Nationalism and immigration', in The Basques, the Catalans, and Spain: Alternative Routes to Nationalist Mobilization (London: Hurst), ch. 8 - 320.540946 CON

Fargues, P. 2000. 'Protracted National Conflict and Fertility Change: Palestinians and Israelis in the twentieth century,' Population and Development Review, Vol.26, No.3, pp.441-482 - JSTOR


Essay Question

·         Do shifts in the ethnic composition of a nation lead to ethnic conflict? Answer with respect to nationalism theory and several cases.


9. Dominant Ethnicity and the 'Ethnic-Civic' Typology of National Identity



Smith , Anthony. 1991. National Identity , ( London : Penguin), pp. 8-18, 79-84 - slc 320.54 SMI [PC]

Janmaat, J. 2006. 'Popular conceptions of nationhood in old and new European member states: Partial support for the ethnic-civic framework', Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 29 No. 1 January, pp. 50-78



*Bonikowski, Bart, and Paul DiMaggio. 2016. “Varieties of American Popular Nationalism.” American Sociological Review 81(5):949-980.   

*Kohn , Hans. 1944. The Idea of Nationalism: A Study in Its Origins and Background , ( New York : Macmillan) -  320.5409 KOH

*Plamenatz , John 1973. ‘Two Types of Nationalism, ’ in Eugene Kamenka (ed) Nationalism: the Nature and Evolution of an Idea ( Canberra : Australian National Press) – [ NIS ]

*Brubaker , Rogers. 1992. Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany ( Cambridge , MA : Harvard University Press)  - 323.60944 BRU

*Kuzio, Taras. 2002. The myth of the civic state: a critical survey of Hans Kohn’s framework for understanding nationalism, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 20–39 - INGENTA

*Yack , Bernard. 1996. 'The myth of the civic nation' , Critical Review , vol. 10 , nº 2 , pp. 193 – [JNIS]

Alter , Peter. 1985. 'Cultural and Political Nations , ' in Alter , P. Nationalism ( London : Edward Arnold) , pp. 8-12 -  RAV [Alt]

Shulman , S. 2002. 'Challenging the ethnic/civic and West/East dichotomies in the study of nationalism , ' Comparative Political Studies , vol. 35 , no. 5 , pp. 554-85  – [JNIS]

Nielsen , Kai. 1999. ‘Cultural nationalism , neither ethnic nor civic’ in Ronald Beiner (ed) , Theorizing Nationalism , ( Albany : State University of New York Press) , pp. 119-30 – [ NIS ]

Hewitson , Mark and Timothy Baycroft (eds.). 2004. Nationalism in Europe 1789-1914: Civic and Ethnic Traditions ( Oxford : Oxford University Press) - [ NIS ]

Zimmer, O. 2003. 'Boundary mechanisms and symbolic resources: towards a process- oriented approach to national identity', Nations and nationalism, Apr 2003, Vol.9, No.2, pp.173-193- INGENTA

Kaufmann, Eric. 2000.  Ethnic or civic nation? Theorizing the American case , Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, vol. 27, nos. 1-2, pp. 133-55 - [JNIS]

Roshwald, Aviel. 2006. The Endurance of Nationalism: Ancient Roots and Modern Dilemmas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), ch. 5

Meadwell, H. 1988. 'Cultural and Instrumental Approaches to Ethnic Nationalism,' Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol.12. - CE Library - I33 & Reference

Shulman, Stephen. 2004. ‘The contours of civic and ethnic national identification in Ukraine’, Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 35-56 - INGENTA

Shulman S. 2002. Sources of Civic and Ethnic Nationalism in Ukraine, The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, December, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1-30 - INGENTA

*Hjerm , Mikael. 2003.  National sentiments in Eastern and Western Europe , Nationalities Papers , vol. 31 , no. 4 , pp. 413-29 - [PC]

Ignatieff , Michael. 1994. Blood and Belonging. Journeys into the New Nationalism , ( London : Vintage) - 320.54 IGN

Smith , Anthony. 1991. National Identity , ( London : Penguin) ch.6 - slc 320.54 SMI [PC]  

Wiborg , Susanne. 2000.  Political and cultural nationalism in education. The ideas of Rousseau and Herder concerning national education , ' Comparative Education , vol. 36 , no. 2 , pp. 235-43 - [JNIS]

Behr , Michelle et al. 2002.  'Who is Hungarian? Attitudes toward immigration , ethnicity and nationality in rural Hungary , ' East European Quarterly , vol. 36 , no. 3 , pp. 281-99 – Reference only

Bauman , Zygmunt ‘Intellectuals in East-Central Europe : Continuity and Change , East European Politics and Societies , vol.1 , no.2 (Spring 1987) , pp. 162-186- [JNIS]

*Kaufmann, E. and O. Zimmer. 2004. 'Dominant ethnicity' and the 'ethnic-civic' dichotomy in the work of Anthony D. Smith,' Nations and Nationalism, Jan-Apr 2004, Vol.10, No.1-2, pp.63-78 (see Zimmer's contribution on ethnic-civic) - INGENTA

Greenfeld, Liah and Chirot, Daniel. 1994.  'Nationalism and aggression,' Theory and society, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 79-103 - JSTOR

Schöpflin, George. 2000. Nations, identity, power : the new politics of Europe (London: Hurst) - 320.54094 SCH

Kaufmann, E. P. 2002. "Modern Formation, Ethnic Reformation: The Social Sources of the American Nation," Geopolitics, vol. 7, no. 2 (Autumn 2002), pp. 99-120

Kaufmann , E. 1998. ' "Naturalizing the Nation": the Rise of Naturalistic Nationalism in the United States and Canada , ' Comparative Studies in Society and History , vol. 40 , no. 4 , pp. 666-695

Kaufmann , E. and O. Zimmer. 1998. 'In Search of the Authentic Nation: Landscape and National Identity in Canada and Switzerland , ' Nations & Nationalism , vol. 4 , part 4 , pp. 483-510

Huntington , S. 2004. Who Are We? The Cultural Core of American National Identity ( New York & London : Simon and Schuster) , ch. 9 ('Mexican Immigration and Hispanicization')

Krejci, Yaroslav and Velimsky, Viteslav. 1981. Ethnic and Political Nations in Europe (London: Croom Helm) – [NIS]


Essay Question

·         Assess the usefulness of the 'ethnic-civic' typology for the study of national identity.


10. Immigration and National Identity in the United States, from the Know Nothings to Trump



Gratton, B. (2012). 'Demography and Immigration Restriction in United States History '. Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 159-175.

Wright, M., J. Citrin, et al. (2012). "Alternative Measures of American National Identity: Implications for the Civic-Ethnic Distinction." Political Psychology 33(4): 469-482.

Beauchamp, Zack. 2016. 'These 2 charts explain how racism helped fuel Trump’s victory,' Vox, November 10

Silver, Nate. 2016. 'Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump,' Five Thirty-Eight.com, Nov 22

Kaufmann, Eric. 2016. 'Why it's again NOT the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog (also New Statesman and Fabian Society and Birkbeck Politics blogs), 9 November

Mazzucato, Mariana and Michael Jacobs. 2016. 'The Brexit-Trump Syndrome: it's the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog, 21 November



Ipsos-Mori. 2016. 'It’s Nativism: Explaining the Drivers of Trump’s Popular Support,' 1 June

*Valentino, N. A. 2013. 'Immigration opposition among US Whites: General ethnocentrism or media priming of attitudes about Latinos?,' Political Psychology 34:2, pp. 149-166

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Immigration and the Ethnic-Civic Distinction

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American Ethnonationalism

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Essay Question

·         'The United States can accept larger numbers of immigrants than Europe because America is a civic nation while European nations are ethnic.' Discuss.



Birkbeck ‘Europe’s migration crisis and the Populist Response’ event, 23 November, 2015, Wolfson Suite, London, University of London podcast (feat. David Goodhart, Chris Bertram, Daphne Halikiopoulou, Mathew Goodwin and myself)


11. Immigration and the Rise of the Far Right



Norris, Pippa and Ron Inglehart. 2016. Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash, Harvard working paper

Stockemer, D. (2017). "The success of radical right-wing parties in Western European regions–new challenging findings." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 25(1): 41-56.



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*Betz, H. and S. Immerfall. 1998. The New Politics of the Right: neo-Populist parties and movements in established democracies (New York: St. Martin's) esp ch 1

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Werts, H., P. Scheepers, et al. (2013). "Euro-scepticism and radical right-wing voting in Europe, 2002-2008: Social cleavages, socio-political attitudes and contextual characteristics determining voting for the radical right." European Union Politics 14(2): 183-205.

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*Ignazi, P. 2003. Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

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Karapin, Roger. 2002. ‘Far Right Parties and the Construction of Immigration Issues in Germany’ in Martin Schain, Aristide Zolberg, and Patrick Hossay (eds.), Shadows Over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe (Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan)

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Mayer, N. 2003. 'Le Pen's Comeback: the 2002 French presidential election,' International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.27, No.2, pp.455-459


Essay Question

·          Is there a rise in Far Right politics in the West today? Why or why not.


12. From UKIP to Brexit: Hostility to Immigration in the UK



Ford R and Goodwin M. 2014. Revolt on the Right: Explaining support for the radical right in Britain, London: Routledge, ch. 5

Clarke, H. D., et al. (2017). Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union, Cambridge University Press, ch. 7

Kaufmann, E. 2016. 'It’s NOT the economy, stupid: Brexit as a story of personal values,' LSE British Politics blog (also Fabian Society and Birkbeck Politics blogs), 7 July

Mazzucato, Mariana and Michael Jacobs. 2016. 'The Brexit-Trump Syndrome: it's the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog, 21 November

Kaufmann, Eric. 2016. 'Why it's again NOT the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog (also New Statesman and Fabian Society and Birkbeck Politics blogs), 9 November



*Goodwin, M. and Oliver Heath. 2016. 'The 2016 Referendum, Brexit and the Left Behind: An Aggregate-level Analysis of the Result,' Political Quarterly, Volume 87, Issue 3, pages 323–332, July–September 2016

*Evans, G. and J. Mellon. 2015. 'Working class votes and Conservative losses: solving the UKIP puzzle,' LSE British Politics blog, 30 April

*Ford, R. and Matthew Goodwin. 2015. 'Different Class? UKIP’s Social Base and Political Impact: A Reply to Evans and Mellon,' Parliamentary Affairs (2015) 69 (2): 480-491

*Evans, G. and J. Mellon. 2015. 'Class, Electoral Geography and the Future of UKIP: Labour’s Secret Weapon?,' Parliamentary Affairs (2015) 69 (2): 492-498

*Kaufmann, E. and Harris, G. 2014. Changing Places: the White British Response to Ethnic Change, Demos report, 29 September

*Clarke, H., M. Goodwin and P. Whiteley. 2016. 'Why Britain Voted for Brexit: An Individual-Level Analysis of the 2016 Referendum Vote,' paper for Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (ePoP) conference

Kaufmann, E. and G. Harris. 2015. ' "White Flight" or Positive Contact?: Local Diversity and Attitudes to Immigration in Britain, 2009-11,' Comparative Political Studies (open access)

Harris G, ‘The rise and fall of the British National Party: the demand for extreme right politics in the UK’, unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Politics, Birkbeck College, University of London, 2012.

Ford R and Goodwin M, Revolt on the Right: Explaining support for the radical right in Britain, London: Routledge, 2014.

Ford, R., and M. J. Goodwin. 2010. "Angry White Men: Individual and Contextual Predictors of Support for the British National Party." Political Studies 58 (1):1-25.

Biggs, M., and S. Knauss. 2012. "Explaining Membership in the British National Party: A Multilevel Analysis of Contact and Threat." European Sociological Review 28 (5):633-46.

Bowyer, B. 2008. "Local context and extreme right support in England: The British National Party in the 2002 and 2003 local elections." Electoral Studies 27 (4):611-20.

Goodwin, M. (2011). New British fascism : rise of the British National Party. Abingdon ; New York, Routledge.

Collier, Paul. 2013. Exodus (london: Allen Lane)

Caldwell, C. (2009). Reflections on the revolution in Europe : immigration, Islam, and the West. New York, Doubleday.

Schlueter, Elmar, and Peer Scheepers. 2010. "The relationship between outgroup size and anti-outgroup attitudes: A theoretical synthesis and empirical test of group threat- and intergroup contact theory." Social Science Research 39 (2):285-95.

Pettigrew, T. F., and L. R. Tropp. 2006. "A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 90 (5):751-83.

Goodhart D, ‘Blue Labour’, Analysis, 27 Mar 2011, www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00zlgdl (accessed 22 Jun 2014).


Essay Question

·         How important are ethno-demographic factors in accounting for the rise of UKIP and Brexit?


13. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?: The Demography of Religion and Fundamentalism



Kaufmann, Eric. 2010. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth (London: Profile), ch. 1  [podcast of book from Blackwell's, 3-5 March]

Greeley , A. 2001. 'The demographic imperative in religious change in the United States , ' American Journal of Sociology , vol. 107 , no. 2 , pp. 468-500

Cincotta, Richard, and Eric Kaufmann. 2009. 'The Changing Face of Israel'. Foreign Policy, June.

Also see reviews of the book at: http://www.sneps.net/


Eric Kaufmann, 'Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth', RSA, April 15, 2010 (youtube)

George Miller (Blackwell), Interview with Eric Kaufmann on the book, 'Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth'

E. Kaufmann interview with John Cleary on Australian Broadcasting Corporation ‘Sunday Nights’ on the book 'Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth'


*Kaufmann, Eric. 2010. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth (London: Profile) (link to Amazon)

Toft, Monica. 2012. 'Wombfare' in Goldstone et. al, Political Demography, ch. 14

*Kaufmann, Eric. 2010. Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth (London: Profile)

Longman , Philip. 2005. The Empty Cradle: How Falling Birthrates Threaten World Prosperity and What to do About it ( New York , N.Y. : Basic Books) , chs. 4 and 6-

*Wise, Yaacov. 2007. "Majority of Jews will be Ultra-Orthodox by 2050". University of Manchester press release, 23 July.

Heilman, Samuel C. 1995. The Religious Battle for Israel. Christian Century, December 20.

*Efron, Noah J. 2003. Real Jews : secular versus ultra-orthodox and the struggle for Jewish identity in Israel. New York: Basic Books.

*Joyce, Kathryn. 2009. Quiverfull : inside the Christian patriarchy movement. Boston: Beacon Press.

*Goldberg, Michelle. 2009. The means of reproduction : sex, power, population and the future of the world. New York: Penguin Press.

Riddell, K. 2009. Islam and the Securitisation of Population Policies: Muslim States and Sustainability (London: Ashgate)

Norris, Pippa and Ron Inglehart. 2005. Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide (Cambridge: CUP)

Stark, Rodney, and Reid Larkin Neilson. 2005. The rise of Mormonism. New York: Columbia University Press.

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*Stark, Rodney. 1996. The rise of Christianity : a sociologist reconsiders history. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Ben David. 2013. Israel: State of the Nation Report 2013, esp sections on impact of ultra-Orthodox on economy: http://taubcenter.org.il/index.php/featured-publication/state-of-the-nation-2013/lang/en/

*Jones, G. and M. Karim. Islam, the State and Population (London: Hurst)

Winckler, Onn. 2005. Arab political demography Sussex studies in demographic developments and socioeconomic policies in the Middle East and North Africa. Brighton, England ; Portland, Or.: Sussex Academic Press., esp last chapter.

Della Pergola, Sergio. 2001. Jerusalem’s Population, 1995–2020: Demography, Multiculturalism and Urban Policies. European Journal of Population 17:165-199.

*Berman, E. 2000. Sect, subsidy, and sacrifice: an economist’s view of ultra-orthodox Jews. Quarterly Journal of Economics 115 (3):905-953.

Berman, Eli, and A. Stepanyan. 2003. Fertility and Education in Radical Islamic Sects: Evidence from Asia and Africa. NBER working paper

Weiner, Myron and Sharon Stanton Russell (eds). 2001. Demography and National Security (New York: Berghahn Books), esp. ch. 12 (Islam & West) and conclusion

Hout, M. and Claude Fischer. 2002. 'Why More Americans Have No Religious Preference: Politics and Generations,' American Sociological Review, vol. 67, no. 2 (April), pp. 165-90 - [e journals]

Religiosity and Fertility

*Westoff, C. F., and T. Frejka. 2007. Religiousness and fertility among European Muslims. Population and Development Review 33 (4):785-809.

*Frejka, T., and C. F. Westoff. 2008. Religion, religiousness and fertility in the US and in Europe. European Journal of Population-Revue Europeenne De Demographie 24 (1):5-31.

Berghammer, C. 2009. Causality between Religiosity and Childbearing: Evidence from a Dutch Panel Study. In IUSSP Conference Paper.

Berghammer, C, D. Philipov, and T. Sobotka. 2006. Religiosity and demographic events: a comparative study of European countries. In paper delivered at European Population Conference (EPC), Liverpool, 2006.

Adsera, A. 2005. Religion and Changes in Family-size Norms in Developed Countries, IZA (University of Chicago: Population Research Center), presented at 2005 APSA meetings - available electronically

Adsera, A. 2005. ‘Marital Fertility and Religion: Recent Changes in Spain,’ IZA Discussion Paper 1399 (University of Chicago: Population Research Center)

Sander, W. 1992. ‘Catholicism and the Economics of Fertility,’ Population Studies 46, p.477-489.

Simons, John. 1980. ‘Reproductive behaviour as religious practice’, in C. Hohn and R. Mackensen (eds.), Determinants of Fertility Trends: Theories Re-Examined (Liège: Ordina), pp. 133-45

Williams, L.B. and B.G. Zimmer. 1990. ‘The Changing Influence of Religion on US Fertility: Evidence from Rhode Island,’ Demography 27 (3): 475-481.

SDT theory

Lesthaeghe, R. 2007. Second Demographic Transition. In Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by G. Ritzer. Oxford: Blackwell.

Lesthaeghe, R., and L. Neidert. 2006. The Second Demographic Transition in the United States:. Exception or Textbook Example? Population and Development Review 32 (4):669-698.

van de Kaa, Dirk. 2001. ‘Postmodern fertility preferences: from changing value orientation to new fertility behaviour,’ Population and Development Review, vol. 27, pp. 290-331

Lesthaeghe, R. and J. Surkyn. 1988. ‘Cultural Dynamics and Economic Theories of Fertility Change,’Population and Development Review 14 (1): 1-45.


Essay Question

·         'Religious fundamentalism will defeat secularism because the devout have more kids.' Discuss.


14. Terrorism, Lobbying and Multiculturalism: Diasporas in International Politics



Huntington , Clash of Civilizations , ch. 11- [PC] 909.829 HUN

Shain , Y. and A. Barth. 2003. 'Diasporas and International Relations Theory , ' International organization , Vol.57 , No.3 , pp.449- 479  - SwetsWise

Mukta , P. & Bhatt , C. (2000) (eds) ‘Hindutva Movements in the West , Ethnic & Racial Studies Special Issue , 23 (3). - CE Library - I33 & Reference



*Shain , Y . 1995. 'Ethnic Diasporas and U.S. Foreign Policy , ' Political Science Quarterly , Winter 1994-1995 , Vol.109 , No.5 , pp.811-842 

*Esman, Milton. 2005. An Introduction to Ethnic Conflict (Cambridge: Polity), chapters on role of outsider governments and diasporas

*Gal, Allon, Athena Leoussi and Anthony Smith (ed) 2010. Call of the Homeland: Diaspora nationalisms, Past and Present (Biggleswade: Brill)

*Conversi, Daniele. 2012. 'Irresponsible radicalisation: diasporas, globalisation and long-distance nationalism in the digital age.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38 (9). pp. 1357-1379

Lake, David and Donald Rothchild (eds.).1998. The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict: Fear, Diffusion and Escalation (Princeton: Princeton University Press), esp. introduction

Davis, D.R., Moore, W.H. 1997. Ethnicity Matters: transnational ethnic alliances and foreign policy behavior, International Studies Quarterly, Mar 1997, Vol.41, No.1, pp.171- 184 

King, C. and N.J. Melvin. 2000. 'Diaspora Politics: ethnic linkages, foreign policy, and security in Eurasia', International security, Winter 1999-2000, Vol.24, No.3, pp.108- 138 

Safran , William. 2006. 'Comparing Visions of the Nation: The Role of Ethnicity , Religion and Diaspora Nationalism in Armenian , Jewish , and Sikh Relations to the Homeland , ' unpublished paper delivered at IPSA meetings , Ottawa

Safran, William. 2006. 'The Jewish Diaspora in a Comparative and Theoretical Perspective', Israel Studies, Volume 10, Number 1, Spring 2006, pp. 36-60

*Stephen M. Saideman, The Ties That Divide: Ethnic Politics, Foreign Policy, and International Conflict, New York: Columbia University Press, 2001.

Abuza, Z. 2002. 'Tentacles of terror: Al Qaeda's Southeast Asian network,' Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.24, No.3, pp.427-465 

Paul, R.A. 2000. 'Grassroots Mobilization and Diaspora Politics: Armenian interest groups and the role of collective memory,' Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol.6, No.1, pp.24-47 

Wilson, Ernest J. (ed.) 2004. Diversity and US Foreign Policy: A Reader (New York: Routledge)

Kurien, P. 2005. 'Multiculturalism, Immigrant Religion, and Diasporic Nationalism: The development of an American Hinduism,' Social Problems, 51 (3): 362-385

*Huntington, S. 2005. Who Are We? The Cultural Core of American National Identity (New York & London: Simon and Schuster), ch. 10 ('Merging America With the World') - esp. section on diasporas

*Shain, Yossi. 1999. Marketing the American Creed Abroad: Diasporas in the U.S. and Their Homeland (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

*Smith, T. 2000. Foreign Attachments : the Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of American Foreign Policy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)

Goldberg, J. 1996. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment (Reading, Mass.; Harlow: Addison-Wesley)

*O' Day, A. 1999. 'Irish Diaspora Politics in Perspective: the United Irish leagues of Great Britain and America, 1900-14,' Immigrants and Minorities, Vol.18, No.2-3, pp.214- 239

Østergaard-Nielsen, E. 2003. 'The Democratic Deficit of Diaspora Politics: Turkish Cypriots in Britain and the Cyprus issue,' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, July, Vol.29, No.4, pp.683-700

Pryke, S. 2003. 'British Serbs and Long Distance Nationalism,' Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol.26, No.1, pp.152-172 

Huntington, S.P. 1997. 'The Erosion of American National Interests,' Foreign Affairs, 76 (5): 28-& SEP-OCT

Sandler, S. 2005. 'Towards a Conceptual Framework of World Jewish Politics: state, nation, and diaspora in a Jewish foreign policy', Israel Affairs, Autumn-Winter 2005, Vol.10, No.1-2, pp.301-312

De los Angeles Torres, M. 1995. 'Encuentros Y Encontronazos: homeland in the politics and identity of the Cuban diaspora,' Diaspora, Fall 1995, Vol.4, No.2, pp.211-238 

Dickson, D.A. 1996. 'American society and the African American foreign policy lobby: constraints and opportunities,' Journal of Black Studies, Nov 1996, Vol.27, No.2, pp.139-151 

Hertzberg, A. 1996. 'Israel and the Diaspora: a relationship reexamined,' Israel Affairs, Vol.2, No.3-4, pp.169-183 

Croucher, S. and P. Haney. 1999. Review of Shain, Y.  'Marketing the American Creed Abroad', Diaspora, Winter 1999, Vol.8, No.3, pp.309-330

Chua, Amy.  2002.  World on Fire:  How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability (New York:  Doubleday)

Kotkin, Joel. 1993. Tribes: How Race, Religion and Identity Determine Success in the New Global Economy (New York: Random House).


Essay Question

·         Do diasporas strengthen or weaken nationalism?



15. Conclusion and Review