Weekly Readings


10. Immigration and National Identity in the United States, from the Know Nothings to Trump



Gratton, B. (2012). 'Demography and Immigration Restriction in United States History '. Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 159-175.

Kaufmann, Eric. 2016. 'Why it's again NOT the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog (also New Statesman and Fabian Society and Birkbeck Politics blogs), 9 November



*Wright, M., J. Citrin, et al. (2012). "Alternative Measures of American National Identity: Implications for the Civic-Ethnic Distinction." Political Psychology 33(4): 469-482.

*Beauchamp, Zack. 2016. 'These 2 charts explain how racism helped fuel Trump’s victory,' Vox, November 10

*Silver, Nate. 2016. 'Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump,' Five Thirty-Eight.com, Nov 22

*Mazzucato, Mariana and Michael Jacobs. 2016. 'The Brexit-Trump Syndrome: it's the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog, 21 November

Ipsos-Mori. 2016. 'It’s Nativism: Explaining the Drivers of Trump’s Popular Support,' 1 June

*Valentino, N. A. 2013. 'Immigration opposition among US Whites: General ethnocentrism or media priming of attitudes about Latinos?,' Political Psychology 34:2, pp. 149-166

*Walker, K. E. and H. Leitner. 2011. "The variegated landscape of local immigration policies in the United States." Urban Geography 32:2, pp. 156-178

Joppke, C. (2005). Selecting by origin : ethnic migration in the liberal state. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press.

*Kaufmann, E. (2000). "'Ethnic or Civic Nation?: Theorizing the American Case." Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism 27(1-2): 133-54.

*Kaufmann, E. (2004). The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America: The Decline of Dominant Ethnicity in the United States. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

Kennedy, Paul and Matthew Connelly. 1994. 'Must it Be the Rest Against the West,' Atlantic Monthly, December, pp. 61-91

Higham, J. (1955). Strangers in the Land: Patterns of American Nativism, 1860-1925. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press.

*Higham, J. (1999). Cultural Responses to Immigration. Diversity and its Discontents: Cultural Conflict and Common Ground in Contemporary American Society. N. J. Smelser and J. C. Alexander. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press: 39-62.

Kaufmann, E. (2004). "The Decline of the WASP in the United States and Canada" in Rethinking Ethnicity: Majority Groups and Dominant Minorities. E. Kaufmann. London, Routledge: 61-83.

Glazer, N. (1998) "American Epic." National Affairs 130

Muller, T. (1997). Nativism in the Mid-1990s: Why Now? Immigrants Out!: The New Nativism and the Anti-Immigrant Impulse in the United States. J. F. Perea. New York, N.Y. & London, New York University Press: 105-18.

Fetzer, J. 2000. Public Attitudes toward Immigration in the United States, France, and Germany (Cambridge: University Press)

Citrin, J., D. P. Green, C. Muste, and C. Wong. 1997. "Public opinion toward immigration reform: The role of economic motivations." Journal of Politics 59 (3):858-81.

Texeira, R. (2008). Red, Blue, and Purple America: The Future of Election Demographics. Washington, DC, Brookings Institution Press, chs. 3-4

Immigration and the Ethnic-Civic Distinction

Citrin, J. and J. Sides (2008). "Immigration and the Imagined Community in Europe and the United States." Political Studies 56: 33-56.

Joppke, Christian. 1999. 'How Immigration is Changing Citizenship,' Ethnic & Racial Studies, vol.22, no. 4 - INGENTA

Pehrson, S., Vignoles, V. L., & Brown, R. (2009). National identification and anti-immigrant prejudice: Individual and contextual effects of national  definitions. Social Psychology Quarterly, 72, 24–38.

Wright, M. (2011). Diversity and the imagined community: Immigrant diversity and conceptions of national identity. Political Psychology, 32, 837–862.

Ceobanu, A. N., & Escandell, X. (2008). East is West? National feelings and anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe. Social Science Research, 37, 1147–1170

American Ethnonationalism

Brimelow, P. (1995). Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster. New York, Random House.

Buchanan, P. J. (2002). The death of the West : how dying populations and immigrant invasions imperil our country and civilization. New York, Thomas Dunne Books.

Kanstroom, D. (1997). Dangerous Undertones of the New Nativism: Peter Brimelow and the Decline of the West. Immigrants Out!: The New Nativism and the Anti-Immigrant Impulse in the United States. J. F. Perea. New York, N.Y. & London, New York University Press: 300-17.

Swain, C. M. (2002). The new white nationalism in America : its challenge to integration. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Swain, C. M. and R. Nieli (2003). Contemporary voices of white nationalism in America. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.


Essay Question

·         'The United States can accept larger numbers of immigrants than Europe because America is a civic nation while European nations are ethnic.' Discuss.



Birkbeck ‘Europe’s migration crisis and the Populist Response’ event, 23 November, 2015, Wolfson Suite, London, University of London podcast (feat. David Goodhart, Chris Bertram, Daphne Halikiopoulou, Mathew Goodwin and myself)


11. Immigration and the Rise of the Far Right



Stockemer, D. (2017). "The success of radical right-wing parties in Western European regions–new challenging findings." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 25(1): 41-56.

Rydgren, J. 2005. "Is extreme right-wing populism contagious? Explaining the emergence of a new party family." European Journal of Political Research 44: 413–437


*Norris, Pippa and Ron Inglehart. 2016. Trump, Brexit, and the Rise of Populism: Economic Have-Nots and Cultural Backlash, Harvard working paper

*Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge, UK ; New York, Cambridge University Press, ch. 5

*Lubbers, M., M. Gijsberts, et al. (2002). "Extreme right-wing voting in Western Europe." European Journal of Political Research 41(3): 345-378.

Hainmueller, P. and D. Hopkins. 2014. 'Public Attitudes to Immigration,' Annual Review of Political Science

*Mudde, C. (2017). The Populist Radical Right: a reader (Routledge)

Marzouki, N., D. McDonnell and Oliver Roy. 2016. Saving the people : how populists hijack religion (London: Hirst)

Mudde, C. (2007). Populist radical right parties in Europe. Cambridge, UK ; New York, Cambridge University Press.

*Betz, H. and S. Immerfall. 1998. The New Politics of the Right: neo-Populist parties and movements in established democracies (New York: St. Martin's) esp ch 1

Goodwin, M. 2011. "Europe's Radical Right: Support and Potential," Volume 2, Issue 3, December 2011, Pages: 4–7,

Werts, H., P. Scheepers, et al. (2013). "Euro-scepticism and radical right-wing voting in Europe, 2002-2008: Social cleavages, socio-political attitudes and contextual characteristics determining voting for the radical right." European Union Politics 14(2): 183-205.

Lucassen, G. and M. Lubbers (2012). "Who Fears What? Explaining Far-Right-Wing Preference in Europe by Distinguishing Perceived Cultural and Economic Ethnic Threats." Comparative Political Studies 45(5): 547-574.

*Hainsworth, P. (ed). 2000. The Politics of the Extreme Right (London and New York: Pinter)

*Norris, Pippa. 2005. Radical Right: Voters and Parties in the Electoral Market (New York/Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), esp. ch 8: http://www.hks.harvard.edu/fs/pnorris/Books/Radical%20Right.htm

Kitschelt, Herbert. 1996. The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press) - 324.24038 KIT

*Ignazi, P. 2003. Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press)

*Betz, Hans-Georg. 1994. Radical Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe (Basingstoke & London: MacMillan) - 324.940559 BET

Bale, T. 2003. 'Cinderella and Her Ugly Sisters: the mainstream and extreme right in Europe's bipolarising party systems,' West European Politics, Vol.26, No.3, pp.67-90

Grunberg, G. and E. Schweisguth. 2003. 'French Political Space: two, three or four blocs?,' French Politics, Vol.1, No.3, pp.331-348  

Gibson R., I. McAllister and T. Swenson. 2002. 'The politics of race and immigration in Australia: One Nation voting in the 1998 Election,' Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 823-844 - Ingenta

Karapin, Roger. 2002. ‘Far Right Parties and the Construction of Immigration Issues in Germany’ in Martin Schain, Aristide Zolberg, and Patrick Hossay (eds.), Shadows Over Europe: The Development and Impact of the Extreme Right in Western Europe (Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan)

DeAngelis, R.A. 2003. ‘A rising tide for Jean-Marie, Jorg, and Pauline? Xenophobic Populism in Comparative Perspective.’ Australian Journal of Politics and History 49 (1): 75-92

Atkin, N. and F. Tallatt. 2002. The Right in France: Nationalism and the State (London: Tauris)

Brinks, J. and D. Binder. 2000. Children of a New Fatherland: Germany's Post-War Right-Wing Politics (London: St. Martin's)

Arnold, Edward J. (ed). 2000. The Development of the Radical Right in France: From Boulanger to Le Pen (New York: St. Martin's)

Swyngedouw, M. and G. Ivaldi. 2001. 'The extreme Right Utopia in Belgium and France: the ideology of the Flemish Vlaams Blok and the French Front national,' West European Politics, Vol.24, No.3, pp.1-22  

Amin, A  . 2003. ' Unruly strangers? The 2001 urban riots in Britain,' International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.27, No.2, pp.460-463 

Mayer, N. 2003. 'Le Pen's Comeback: the 2002 French presidential election,' International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.27, No.2, pp.455-459


Essay Question


12. From UKIP to Brexit: Hostility to Immigration in the UK



Ford R and Goodwin M. 2014. Revolt on the Right: Explaining support for the radical right in Britain, London: Routledge, ch. 5

Clarke, H. D., et al. (2017). Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union, Cambridge University Press, ch. 7



*Kaufmann, E. 2016. 'It’s NOT the economy, stupid: Brexit as a story of personal values,' LSE British Politics blog (also Fabian Society and Birkbeck Politics blogs), 7 July

*Mazzucato, Mariana and Michael Jacobs. 2016. 'The Brexit-Trump Syndrome: it's the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog, 21 November

*Kaufmann, Eric. 2016. 'Why it's again NOT the economy, stupid,' LSE British Politics blog (also New Statesman and Fabian Society and Birkbeck Politics blogs), 9 November

*Goodwin, M. and Oliver Heath. 2016. 'The 2016 Referendum, Brexit and the Left Behind: An Aggregate-level Analysis of the Result,' Political Quarterly, Volume 87, Issue 3, pages 323–332, July–September 2016

*Evans, G. and J. Mellon. 2015. 'Working class votes and Conservative losses: solving the UKIP puzzle,' LSE British Politics blog, 30 April

*Ford, R. and Matthew Goodwin. 2015. 'Different Class? UKIP’s Social Base and Political Impact: A Reply to Evans and Mellon,' Parliamentary Affairs (2015) 69 (2): 480-491

*Evans, G. and J. Mellon. 2015. 'Class, Electoral Geography and the Future of UKIP: Labour’s Secret Weapon?,' Parliamentary Affairs (2015) 69 (2): 492-498

*Kaufmann, E. and Harris, G. 2014. Changing Places: the White British Response to Ethnic Change, Demos report, 29 September

*Clarke, H., M. Goodwin and P. Whiteley. 2016. 'Why Britain Voted for Brexit: An Individual-Level Analysis of the 2016 Referendum Vote,' paper for Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (ePoP) conference

Kaufmann, E. and G. Harris. 2015. ' "White Flight" or Positive Contact?: Local Diversity and Attitudes to Immigration in Britain, 2009-11,' Comparative Political Studies (open access)

Harris G, ‘The rise and fall of the British National Party: the demand for extreme right politics in the UK’, unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Politics, Birkbeck College, University of London, 2012.

Ford R and Goodwin M, Revolt on the Right: Explaining support for the radical right in Britain, London: Routledge, 2014.

Ford, R., and M. J. Goodwin. 2010. "Angry White Men: Individual and Contextual Predictors of Support for the British National Party." Political Studies 58 (1):1-25.

Biggs, M., and S. Knauss. 2012. "Explaining Membership in the British National Party: A Multilevel Analysis of Contact and Threat." European Sociological Review 28 (5):633-46.

Bowyer, B. 2008. "Local context and extreme right support in England: The British National Party in the 2002 and 2003 local elections." Electoral Studies 27 (4):611-20.

Goodwin, M. (2011). New British fascism : rise of the British National Party. Abingdon ; New York, Routledge.

Collier, Paul. 2013. Exodus (london: Allen Lane)

Caldwell, C. (2009). Reflections on the revolution in Europe : immigration, Islam, and the West. New York, Doubleday.

Schlueter, Elmar, and Peer Scheepers. 2010. "The relationship between outgroup size and anti-outgroup attitudes: A theoretical synthesis and empirical test of group threat- and intergroup contact theory." Social Science Research 39 (2):285-95.

Pettigrew, T. F., and L. R. Tropp. 2006. "A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 90 (5):751-83.

Goodhart D, ‘Blue Labour’, Analysis, 27 Mar 2011, www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00zlgdl (accessed 22 Jun 2014).


Essay Question



13. Immigration and Integration 1: Multiculturalism and Socio-Political Cohesion



*Putnam, Robert D. 2007. 'E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century (The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture)', Scandinavian Political Studies 30 (2), 137–174

*Goodhart, D. 2004. 'Is Britain Too Diverse,' Prospect, February. See also 'replies' (esp. Kymlicka-Banting and Parekh) and 'replies to the replies': http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk/replies.asp



*Malik , Kenan. 2005. 'Too Diverse?' , <http://www.kenanmalik.com/debates/prospect_diversity.html>

Pearce , Nick. 2005. 'Diversity Versus Solidarity: a new progressive dilemma?' , Renewal , 21 September < http://www.ippr.org/articles/index.asp?id=464>

'Diversity versus solidarity , ' RSA/Prospect Political Debate , with David Willetts MP, Bhikhu Parekh , Michael Hastings , Professor Robert E Rowthorn , Chaired by David Goodhart , Editor , Prospect , 28th January 2003

'Multiculturalism: The kindness of strangers?' , Economist , 26 Feb , 2005  



*Putnam , Robert. 2005. “Who Bonds? Who Bridges? Findings from the Social Capital Benchmark Survey.” Presentation to the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association , Chicago , September

*Alesina , Alberto and Edward Glaeser. 2005. Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe : A World of Difference ( Oxford : Oxford University Press)

*Alesina , A. , E. Glaeser and B. Sacerdote. 2001. ‘Why Doesn’t the United States have a European Style Welfare State?’ , Brookings Papers on Economic Activity.

Alesina , A. and Ferrara , E. (2000) , ‘The Determinants of Trust’ , NBER Working Paper.

Alesina , Alberto , Reza Baqir , and William Easterly. 1999. “Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions.” Quarterly Journal of Economics 114(November):1243–84.

Wolfe , Alan and Jyette Klausen. 1997. “Identity Politics and the Welfare State , Social Philosophy and Policy , 1997 , 14(2): 213-55 , and "Other Peoples , " Prospect 2000 (Dec): 28-33.

Perlman , S. 1929. A History of Trade Unionism in the United States ( New York : The Macmillan Company)


*Banting , Keith G. (2006) 'The Multicultural Welfare State: International Experience and North American Narratives , ' Social Policy & Administration 39 (2) , 98-115

*Banting , K. 2006. ' Canada as Counter-Narrative: Multiculturalism , Recognition and Redistribution , ' paper delivered at Canadian Political Science Association meetings

*Soroka , Stuart , Richard Johnston and Keith Banting. 2005. “Ethnicity , Trust and the Welfare State , ” in Philippe Van Parijs , editor , Cultural Diversity versus Economic Solidarity. Brussels : Deboeck Univesrité Press. (also working paper , 2002)

* Stolle, Dietlind, Stuart Soroka, Richard Johnston. 2008. 'When Does Diversity Erode Trust? Neighborhood Diversity, Interpersonal Trust and the Mediating Effect of Social Interactions', Political Studies, Volume 56, Issue 1, Date: March 2008, Pages: 57-75

Seekings , J. 2003. 'Institutional design , cultural diversity and economic solidarity: A comparison of South Africa , Brazil and Nigeria , ' working paper

Soroka , Stuart , Keith Banting and Richard Johnston (forthcoming). “Immigration and Redistribution in the Global Era , ” in Pranab Bardham , Samuel Bowles and Michael Wallerstein , eds. , Globalization and Social Redistribution ( Princeton NJ and New York : Princeton University Press and Twentieth Century Fund) , in press.

Aizlewood , A. and Pendakur , R. (2005) , 'Ethnicity and Social Capital in Canada , ' Vancouver Centre of Excellence , Research on Immigration and Integration in the Metropolis.

Diversity and Political Instability

*Posner , Daniel. 2005. "Measuring Ethnic Fractionalization in Africa " , American Journal of Political Science , 48 (4) , pp. 849-863

*Feree , K. 2005. 'Demographics and Electoral Volatility in Africa , ' draft prepared for LiCEP Madison , WI .

*Fearon , James D. 2002. 'Ethnic Structure and Cultural Diversity around the World: A Cross-National Data Set on Ethnic Groups' working paper for 2002 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association

*Vanhanen , T. 1999. 'Domestic Ethnic Conflict and Ethnic Nepotism: A Comparative Analysis , ' Journal of Peace Research , Vol. 36 , No. 1 , pp. 55-73 [JNIS]

*Ellingsen , T. 2000. 'Colorful Community or Ethnic Witches' Brew: multiethnicity and domestic conflict during and after the Cold War , ' The Journal of Conflict Resolution , Vol. 44 , No. 2 , pp. 228-49

Scarritt , James R. and Shaheen Mozaffar. 1999. 'The Specification of Ethnic Cleavages and Ethnopolitical Groups for the Analysis of Democratic Competition in Africa .' Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 5(1):82–117.

Laczko , Leslie. 1994. " Canada 's Pluralism in Comparative Perspective" , Ethnic and Racial Studies , vol. 17 , no. 1 , January , pp. 20-41

Reilly , Benjamin. 2000. “Democracy , Ethnic Fragmentation , and Internal Conflict: Confused Theories , Faulty Data , and the ‘Crucial Case’ of Papua New Guinea .” International Security 25(Winter):162–85.

Diversity and Economic Growth

Mauro P. 1995 ‘Corruption and Growth.’ Quarterly Journal of Economics 110(3): 681-712.

Easterly W. and R. Levine .1997. ‘ Africa ’s Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions.’ Quarterly Journal of Economics , 111(4): 1203-1250.


Essay Question


14. Immigration And Integration 2: Assimilation; Ethnic Enclaves; Dual Citizenship



Alba, R. 2006. Mexican Americans and the American Dream. Perspectives on Politics 4(2): 289-96.

Huntington, S.P. 2004. The Hispanic Challenge. Foreign Policy, 141: 30-45.



Alba, R. 2008. Why We Still Need A Theory Of Mainstream Assimilation. Kölner Zeitschrift Für Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie 60 (SUPPL. 48): 37-56.P

Capetillo-Ponce, J. 2007. From ‘A Clash of Civilizations’ to ‘Internal Colonialism’. Ethnicities 7(1): 116-34.E

Cohen, R. 1996. Diasporas and the Nation-State: From Victims to Challengers. International Affairs 72(3): 507-20.E

Portes, A., Fernández-Kelly, P., and W. Haller. 2005. Segmented Assimilation On The Ground: The New Second Generation In Early Adulthood. Ethnic and Racial Studies 28(6): 1000-40.E

Scheffer, P. 2011. Immigrant Nations. Cambridge: Polity.L


Bloemraad, I., Korteweg, A., and G. Yurdakul. Citizenship and Immigration: Multiculturalism, Assimilation, and Challenges to the Nation-State. Annual Review of Sociology 34: 153-79.

Brown, S.K., and F.D. Bean. 2006. Assimilation Models, Old and New: Explaining a Long-Term Process. Migration Policy Institute: http://www.migrationinformation.org/feature/display.cfm?id=442 (accessed 12 August 2015).

Miller, D. 2008. Immigrants, Nations, and Citizenship. The Journal of Political Philosophy 16(4): 371–90.

Castles, S., and M.J. Miller. 2009. “Conclusion: Migration and Mobility in the Twenty-First Century,” in The Age of Migration. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.299-312.

Cohen, R. 1996. Diasporas and the Nation-State: From Victims to Challengers. International Affairs 72(3): 507-20.

Alba, R. D. and V. Nee (2003). Remaking the American mainstream : assimilation and contemporary immigration. Cambridge, Mass. ; England, Harvard University Press.

Alba, R. D. (2009). Blurring the color line : the new chance for a more integrated America. Cambridge, Mass. ; London, Harvard University Press.

Heisler, B.S. 2000. “The Sociology of Immigration: From Assimilation to Segmented Integration, From the American Experience to the Global Arena,” in Brettell, C.B. and J.F. Hollifield, eds. Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines. New York: Routledge, pp. 77-96.

Kushnirovich, N. 2010. Ethnic Niches And Immigrants' Integration. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 30(7/8): 412-26.

Morawska, E. 1994. In Defense of the Assimilationist Model. Journal of American Ethnic History 13(2): 76-87.

Portes, A., and S. Shafer. 2007. “Revisiting the Enclave Hypothesis. Miami Twenty-five Years Later,” in Ruef, M., and M. Lounsbury, ed. The Sociology of Entrepreneurship. [Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 25]. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 157-90.

Smith, T. 2000. Foreign Attachments. The power of ethnic groups in the making of American foreign policy. Cambridge, Mass.; London: Harvard University Press.

Waters, M.C., and T.R. Jiménez. 2005. Assessing Immigrant Assimilation: New Empirical and Theoretical Challenges. Annual Review of Sociology 31: 105-25.

Wilson, K., and A. Portes. 1980. Immigrant Enclaves: An Analysis of the Labor Market Experiences of Cubans in Miami. American Journal of Sociology 86(2): 295-319.


Essay Question


15. The End of Nations?: Globalisation




Eriksen, Thomas H. 2007. 'Nationalism and the Internet', Nations & Nationalism, Volume 13, Issue 1, Page 1-17

Mann, M. 1997. 'Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state?,' Review of International Political Economy 4:3 Autumn , pp. 472-96

Globalisation: the argument of our time’, Discussion between Paul Hirst and David Held (22 - 1 – 2002), http://www.globalenvision.org/library/8/528/6  



*Halikiopolou, Daphne and S. Vasilopolou. 2011. Nationalism and Globalisation: Conflicting or Complementary? (Abingdon: Routledge)


*Smith, Anthony D. 1995. Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, (Cambridge: Polity) (esp. ch. 1) - 320.54 SMI

*Smith, Anthony D. 1990. 'Towards A Global Culture?', Theory, Culture & Society, 7, 171-191. – Reference only

*Hirst & G. Thompson. 1995. Globalization in Question (Cambridge: Polity Press) - 337 HIR

Sheffer, Gabriel and Michael Dahan. 2001. 'Ethnic Groups and Distance Shrinking Communication Technologies,' Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 7, no. 1 (2001): 85-107. - Reference only

*Bayly, C.A. 2003. The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914 : global connections and comparisons (Malden, MA: Blackwell) - especially sections on pre-1780 period - [o/o]

Kaufmann, E. P. 1996. Review of Ohmae, Kenichi, 'The End of the Nation-State,' Nations and Nationalism, vol. 2, part 2, pp. 342-44- INGENTA

Thomas , Bella. 2003. 'What the World's Poor Watch on TV' , Prospect , January - Lexis-Nexis

Holsti, K.J. 2000. 'The Changing Nature of International Institutions: The Case of Territoriality,' IPSA Meetings, pp. 1-23 – [JNIS]

Spencer, P. and H. Wollmann. 2002. Nationalism: A Critical Introduction (London: Sage), ch. 6 - 320.54 SPE

Tomlinson, J. 1991. Cultural Imperialism (London: Pinter Publishers) - 306 TOM

Huntington, Samuel. 1996. The Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world order (New York: Simon & Schuster) - I2(Huntington)  

Hutchinson, J. 2005. Nations as Zones of Conflict (London: Sage), ch. 5


*McGrew, A. 1992. 'A Global Society,' in T. McGrew, D. Held and S. Hall (eds) Modernity and its Futures, (Oxford: Polity Press in association with the Open University, 1992) pp. 62-113. - KDD [Hal]

*Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1990 Nations and Nationalism Since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) Ch 6 - RAV [Hob] [PC]

*Anthony Giddens. 1999. Runaway World: how globalisation is reshaping our lives (London: Profile) - 306.2 GID

Waters, Malcolm. 1995. Globalization(London & New York: Routledge, 1995) - 306 WAT

*Ohmae, Kenichi. 1995. The End of the Nation-State (New York, NY.: The Free Press), esp. Intro & chs. 1 & 3 - 337.1 OHM

Kaldor, Mary. "Nationalism and Globalisation." Nations and Nationalism 10, no. 1/2 (2004): 161-178 - INGENTA

Wallace, Walter L. 1997. The Future of Ethnicity, Race and Nationality (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers) - 303.482 WAL

Smolicz, Jerzy J. 1998. 'Nation-States and Globalization from Multicultural Perspective: Signposts from Australia,' Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 4, no. 4 (1998): 1-18.  - Reference only

*Held, David. 1995. Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995) - 321.8 HEL

Wyatt, Andrew. 2000. ‘The BJP’s Conversion to Globalisation: Path Dependent versus Political Choice Explanations,’ IPSA Meetings – [JNIS]

Sigurdson, Richard. 2000. ‘Globalization and the Nation-State: Canada in a Postnational Context,’ IPSA Meetings – [JNIS]  

McGrew, A. 1992. Global Politics: Globalization and the Nation-State (Cambridge: Polity Press) - 327 GLO

*Rosenau, James N. 1997. Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier: Exploring Governance in a Turbulent World (Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press) - 327.109045 ROS

Featherstone, M. (ed). 1990. Global Culture: Nationalism, Modernity and Globalisation (London: Sage in association with Theory, Culture & Society) – [NIS]

Guehenno, Jean-Marie. 1995 [1993]. The End of the Nation-State (New York, NY.: The Free Press) - 909.829 GUE

*Ritzer, G. 1995. The McDonaldization of Society (Thousand Oaks, Calif.; London: Pine Forge Press) - 306.0973 RIT

Robertson, R. 1992. Globalization (London & New York: Routledge, 1995) - 306 ROB

Wallerstein, I. 1990. 'Culture as the Ideological Battleground of the Modern World-System,' in M. Featherstone (ed.), Global Culture: Nationalism, Modernity and Globalisation (London: Sage in association with Theory, Culture & Society) – [NIS]

Harris, N. 2003. The Return of Cosmopolitan Capital: Globalization, the State and War (London: I.B. Tauris) - 330.9 HAR


*Kotkin, J. 1992. Tribes: How Race, Religion and Identity Structure Success in the New Global Economy (New York: Random House) – [NIS]

Cohen, Robin. 1997. Global Diasporas: An Introduction (London: UCL Press, 1997) Chapter 7 and 8, esp. pp. 156-76 - 325.2 COH

Richmond, Anthony H. 1984. 'Ethnic nationalism and post-industrialism,' Ethnic and Racial Studies 7  - CE Library - I33 & Reference

Anderson, Benedict. 1992. Long-Distance Nationalism: World Capitalism and the Rise of Identity Politics. (Berkeley, CA: Center for German and European Studies, University of California) – [NIS]


Essay Question



21st Century Challenges; how global crises provide the opportunity to change the world: Anthony Giddens, David Held, Mary Kaldor, Danny Kwah (globalist perspective)

John Gray on globalization (more skeptical view)


16. Terrorism, Lobbying and Multiculturalism: Diasporas in International Politics



Huntington , Clash of Civilizations , ch. 11- [PC] 909.829 HUN

Shain , Y. and A. Barth. 2003. 'Diasporas and International Relations Theory , ' International organization , Vol.57 , No.3 , pp.449- 479  - SwetsWise

Mukta , P. & Bhatt , C. (2000) (eds) ‘Hindutva Movements in the West , Ethnic & Racial Studies Special Issue , 23 (3). - CE Library - I33 & Reference



*Shain , Y . 1995. 'Ethnic Diasporas and U.S. Foreign Policy , ' Political Science Quarterly , Winter 1994-1995 , Vol.109 , No.5 , pp.811-842 

*Esman, Milton. 2005. An Introduction to Ethnic Conflict (Cambridge: Polity), chapters on role of outsider governments and diasporas

*Gal, Allon, Athena Leoussi and Anthony Smith (ed) 2010. Call of the Homeland: Diaspora nationalisms, Past and Present (Biggleswade: Brill)

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Essay Question

·         Do diasporas strengthen or weaken nationalism?


17. Demography, Migration and Power: Concepts and Trends



Goldstone, J. (2010). "'The New Population Bomb: The Four Megatrends That Will Change the World'." Foreign Affairs 1(89): 31-43.

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*Goldstone, J. (2012). "A Theory of Political Demography: Human and Institutional Reproduction". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 10-30.

*Goldstone, J. (2012). "Politics and Demography: A Summary of Critical Relationships". Political Demography: identity, conflict and institutions. J. A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 268-275.

*Weiner, M. and M. S. Teitelbaum (2001). Political Demography: Demographic Engineering. New York & Oxford, Berghahn. Introduction, and pp. 1-22

Preston, S. H., P. Heuveline, et al. (2001). Demography : measuring and modeling population processes. Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishers.

Bashford, Alison. 2014. Global Population: History, Geopolitics, and Life on Earth (Cambridge: CUP)

McNeill, W. H. (1989). Plagues and peoples. New York, Anchor Books.

Petersen, William. 1964. The Politics of Population (London: Gollancz)

Diamond, J. (1997). Guns, Germs, and Steel: the Fates of Human Societies. New York; London, W.W. Norton & Co.


Essay Question

·         What are the main elements of demography, and how might they affect politics?


Webcast: launch of our book Political Demography, at the Wilson Center, Washington, January 2012

BBC. 2017. 'It's the Demography, Stupid,' January.