Orange Lodge Maps

Northern Ireland Orange Halls, 2001

Map of Orange Lodges in Northern Ireland (Adjusted by Size), 1991 POWERPOINT

Maps of Lodges in Other Orange Jurisdictions (Click to access)

  1. Map of Scottish Orange Lodges (Adjusted by Size), 2001
  2. Map of Scottish Masonic Lodges 2001
  3. Map of Newfoundland Orange Lodges (Adjusted by Size), 1991
  4. Map of Newfoundland Orange Lodges (Adjusted by Size), 1951
  5. **15 Maps and Figures pertaining to Scottish Orangeism
  6. Map of Orange Lodges in Ontario, c. 1975 (from Houston, Cecil and William J. Smyth. 1980. The Sash Canada Wore: A Historical Geography of the Orange Order in Canada (Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press) :

Maps used in the book: The Orange Order: A Contemporary Northern Irish History (Oxford University Press, forthcoming January 2007):

Figure 1.1. Orange Lodges (1991) and County Orange Density (1971), Northern Ireland

Figure 5-7. The Orange Horseshoe: Catholic Population and Membership-Adjusted Orange Halls in the Nationalist Borderlands, 1991 (naming strongly Catholic wards with a significant Orange presence)

Source: GOLI Membership Returns 1991; OSNI 1984 Ward Boundaries; 1991 Northern Ireland Census

Figure 6-3. The Garvaghy Road Orange Marching Route

Source: CAIN: <

Figure 8-5. Orange/Non-Orange Differentials in UUC Delegate Stance by Constituency of Residence

Source: Kaufmann and Patterson, ‘The Dynamics of Intra-Party Support for the Good Friday Agreement in the Ulster Unionist Party’. N.B. No Orange members in Foyle or West Belfast (these are shaded white and unlabeled).

Figure 10-5. Orange Density by Ward , Northern Ireland , 1991

Source: GOLI membership returns; OSNI 1984 ward boundaries; Census of Northern Ireland 1991(<>)

Figure 10-6. Orange Density by District Electoral Area , Northern Ireland , 1991

Source: GOLI membership returns; OSNI 1984 District Electoral Area (DEA) boundaries; Census of Northern Ireland 1991

Figure 10-7

Figure 10-9

Source: GOLI Returns; Ulster Yearbook; NI Annual Abstract of Statistics; NISRA

Figure 10-10

For further figures from the book, click here

Website by Eric P Kaufmann