Cosmopolitanism and the Nation-State

10. Cosmopolitanism and the Nation-State


Smith, Anthony D., "The Supersession of Nationalism?", International Journal of Comparative Sociology XXXI, 1-2 (1990), pp. 1-31 – PCI Full Text

Fukuyama, Francis. 1992. The End of History and the Last Man, (Hamish Hamilton, London), ch. 25 – 901 FUK – [PC]

Case: Europe vs. the USA

Kaufmann, E. 2003. ‘The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in the Twentieth Century West: A Comparative and Historical Perspective on the United States and European Union,’ Global Society, Vol. 17, no. 4 (2003), pp.359-83 – (


*Calhoun, Craig. 2003. ‘ "Belonging" in the Cosmopolitan Imaginary,’; Rogers Brubaker, ‘Neither Individualism nor Groupism,’ and C. Calhoun, ‘The Variability of Belonging: A reply to Rogers Brubaker’, Ethnicities (debate), Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 531-568- 305.8 RET [PC]

Enlightenment/Classical Cosmopolitanism
*Heater, Derek. 1996. World citizenship and government : cosmopolitan ideas in the history of Western political thought(Basingstoke & New York, NY: MacMillan & St. Martin’s Press) – 327.1709 HEA

*Newman, Gerald. 1996. The Rise of English Nationalism, (Basingstoke: Macmillan) chs 1-2. – 942.07 NEW

O’Brien, Karen. 1997. Narratives of Enlightenment : cosmopolitan history from Voltaire to Gibbon (Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press) – 907.2 OBR

Conversi, Daniele. 2000. ‘Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism’, in Anthony D Smith and Athena Leoussi (eds) Encyclopaedia of Nationalism (Oxford: Transaction Books), pp. 34-39 – [NIS]

Modern and Post-Modern Cosmopolitanism
*Kennedy, P.M. 1977. "The Decline of Nationalistic History in the West, 1900-1970," Journal of Contemporary History, no. 8 , pp. 77-100 – Reference only

*Plumb, J.H. 1969. The Death of the Past (London: Macmillan), esp. intro and pp. 125-end. – L4C [Plu]

*Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1990 Nations and Nationalism Since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) Ch 6 – RAV [Hob]

Hannerz, Ulf. 1990. "Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture," Theory, Culture and Society, Vol.7, pp. 237-51 – [JNIS]

*Kaufmann, E. P. 2005. ‘The Decline of the WASP in the United States and Canada,’ in *Eric Kaufmann (ed.), Rethinking Ethnicity: Majority Groups and Dominant Minorities (London: Routledge), pp. 61-83 – 305.8 RET [PC]

Yadgar, Y. (2002) ‘From the Particularistic to the Universalistic: National Narratives in Israel’s Mainstream Press, 1967-1997,’ Nations and Nationalism, 8(1): 55-72- INGENTA

Hazony, Yoram. 2000. The Jewish State (New York, N.Y.: Basic Books), esp. chs. 1-2; see also review by E. Kaufmann in Nations and Nationalism, vol. 8, no. 1 (Jan. 2002), pp. 122-23 – INGENTA

*Spencer, P. and H. Wollmann. 2002. Nationalism: A Critical Introduction (London: Sage), ch. 7 – 320.54 SPE

Rubinstein, A. 2000. "Post-Zionism and Anti-Zionism," in Rubinstein, From Herzl to Rabin: The Changing Image of Zionism (New Tork: Holmes and Meier), pp. 183-273 – [NIS]

Breton, Raymond. 1988. ‘From Ethnic to Civic Nationalism: English Canada and Quebec,’ Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 85-102 – CE Library – I33 & Reference

Melucci, Alberto. 1989. Nomads of the Present (London: Hutchinson Radius) – KCDM [Mel]

Cosmopolitanism in the United States
Lasch, Christopher. 1995. The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy (New York & London: W.W. Norton) – [NIS]

*Lind, Michael. 1995. The Next American Nation (New York: Free Press), chs. 4,5 – [NIS]

*Huntington, Samuel. 2005. Who Are We? The Cultural Core of American National Identity (New York & London: Simon and Schuster), ch. 10 – [NIS]

*Kaufmann, Eric. 2005. The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America: The Decline of Dominant Ethnicity in the United States (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press), chs 4-9- [PC]

Lerner, Robert, Althea K. Nagai and Stanley Rothman. 1996. American Elites (New Haven & London: Yale University Press) – [NIS]

Normative Perspectives
*Waldron, Malcolm. 1995. ‘Minority Cultures and the Cosmopolitan Alternative,’ in Will Kymlicka (ed) The Rights of Minority Cultures (Oxford: Oxford University Press) – [PC]
*Held, David. 1995. Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995) – 321.8 HEL

Archibugi, Daniele, David Held and Martin Kohler. 1998. Reimagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy (Stanford, Calif.; Cambridge, UK : Stanford University Press: Polity) – [NIS]

Iriye, Akira. 1997. Cultural Internationalism and World Order (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press) – [NIS]

Brennan, Timothy. 1997. At Home in the World: cosmopolitanism now (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press) – 303.482 BRE

Jones, C. 2001. Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism (Oxford: OUP) – [NIS]

Essay Question

· ‘Nationalism will decline in the future as societies pass through the West’s mature stage of modernisation.’ Discuss.

11. The End of Nations?: Globalisation


Mann, M. 1997. ‘Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state?,’ Review of International Political Economy 4:3 Autumn , pp. 472-96 – [PC]

‘Globalisation: the argument of our time’, Discussion between Paul Hirst and David Held (22 – 1 – 2002),

Case 1: India

Wyatt, Andrew. 2000. ‘The BJP’s Conversion to Globalisation: Path Dependent versus Political Choice Explanations,’ IPSA Meetings – [JNIS]

Case 2: Canada

Sigurdson, Richard. 2000. ‘Globalization and the Nation-State: Canada in a Postnational Context,’ IPSA Meetings – [JNIS]


*Smith, Anthony D. 1995. Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era, (Cambridge: Polity) (esp. ch. 1) – 320.54 SMI

*Smith, Anthony D. 1990. ‘Towards A Global Culture?’, Theory, Culture & Society, 7, 171-191. – Reference only

*Hirst & G. Thompson. 1995. Globalization in Question (Cambridge: Polity Press) – 337 HIR

Sheffer, Gabriel and Michael Dahan. 2001. ‘Ethnic Groups and Distance Shrinking Communication Technologies,’ Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 7, no. 1 (2001): 85-107. – Reference only

Kaufmann, E. P. 1996. Review of Ohmae, Kenichi, ‘The End of the Nation-State,’ Nations and Nationalism, vol. 2, part 2, pp. 342-44- INGENTA

Thomas, Bella. 2003. ‘What the World’s Poor Watch on TV’, Prospect, January – Lexis-Nexis

Holsti, K.J. 2000. ‘The Changing Nature of International Institutions: The Case of Territoriality,’ IPSA Meetings, pp. 1-23 – [JNIS]

Spencer, P. and H. Wollmann. 2002. Nationalism: A Critical Introduction (London: Sage), ch. 6 – 320.54 SPE

Tomlinson, J. 1991. Cultural Imperialism (London: Pinter Publishers) – 306 TOM

Huntington, Samuel. 1996. The Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world order (New York: Simon & Schuster) – I2(Huntington)

*McGrew, A. 1992. ‘A Global Society,’ in T. McGrew, D. Held and S. Hall (eds) Modernity and its Futures, (Oxford: Polity Press in association with the Open University, 1992) pp. 62-113. – KDD [Hal]

*Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1990 Nations and Nationalism Since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) Ch 6 – RAV [Hob] [PC]

*Anthony Giddens. 1999. Runaway World: how globalisation is reshaping our lives (London: Profile) – 306.2 GID

Waters, Malcolm. 1995. Globalization(London & New York: Routledge, 1995) – 306 WAT

*Ohmae, Kenichi. 1995. The End of the Nation-State (New York, NY.: The Free Press), esp. Intro & chs. 1 & 3 – 337.1 OHM

Wallace, Walter L. 1997. The Future of Ethnicity, Race and Nationality (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers) – 303.482 WAL

Smolicz, Jerzy J. 1998. ‘Nation-States and Globalization from Multicultural Perspective: Signposts from Australia,’ Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 4, no. 4 (1998): 1-18. – Reference only

*Held, David. 1995. Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995) – 321.8 HEL

McGrew, A. 1992. Global Politics: Globalization and the Nation-State (Cambridge: Polity Press) – 327 GLO

*Rosenau, James N. 1997. Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier: Exploring Governance in a Turbulent World (Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press) – 327.109045 ROS

Featherstone, M. (ed). 1990. Global Culture: Nationalism, Modernity and Globalisation (London: Sage in association with Theory, Culture & Society) – [NIS]

Guehenno, Jean-Marie. 1995 [1993]. The End of the Nation-State (New York, NY.: The Free Press) – 909.829 GUE

*Ritzer, G. 1995. The McDonaldization of Society (Thousand Oaks, Calif.; London: Pine Forge Press) – 306.0973 RIT

Robertson, R. 1992. Globalization (London & New York: Routledge, 1995) – 306 ROB

Wallerstein, I. 1990. ‘Culture as the Ideological Battleground of the Modern World-System,’ in M. Featherstone (ed.), Global Culture: Nationalism, Modernity and Globalisation (London: Sage in association with Theory, Culture & Society) – [NIS]

Harris, N. 2003. The Return of Cosmopolitan Capital: Globalization, the State and War (London: I.B. Tauris) – 330.9 HAR

Diasporas Revisited

*Kotkin, J. 1992. Tribes: How Race, Religion and Identity Structure Success in the New Global Economy (New York: Random House) – [NIS]

Cohen, Robin. 1997. Global Diasporas: An Introduction (London: UCL Press, 1997) Chapter 7 and 8, esp. pp. 156-76 – 325.2 COH

Richmond, Anthony H. 1984. ‘Ethnic nationalism and post-industrialism,’ Ethnic and Racial Studies 7 – CE Library – I33 & Reference

Anderson, Benedict. 1992. Long-Distance Nationalism: World Capitalism and the Rise of Identity Politics. (Berkeley, CA: Center for German and European Studies, University of California) – [NIS]

Essay Question

· ‘Globalisation is Undermining the Nation-State.’ Do you agree?

12. Nationalism and European Unity


Smith, Anthony D. 1992. “National Identity and the Idea of European Unity”, International Affairs, 68 (1), pp. 55-76. – Business Source Premier

Aspect: Institutional Dynamics

Kraus, P.A. 2003. ‘Cultural Pluralism and European Polity-Building,’ Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 665-686 – Business Source Premier


*M. Deflem and F. Pampel, “The Myth of Post-National Identity: Popular Support for European Unification”, Social Forces, 75 (1), 1996, 119-143. – [JNIS]

*Spiering, M. 1996. "National identity and European Unity," in Wintle, M. J. (ed.), Culture and Identity in Europe (Aldershot: Avebury) – 306.094 CUL

*Delanty, Gerard. 1995. Inventing Europe: idea, identity, reality (London: Macmillan) – 306.2094 DEL

Keane, John. 1995. “Nation, Nationalism and European Citizens” in S. Periwal, Notions of Nationalism (Budapest: Central European University Press), chapter 10. – 320.54 NOT

Cederman, L. 2000. Constructing Europe’s Identity: the External Dimension (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner) – [NIS]

Kaufmann, E. 2003. ‘The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in the Twentieth Century West: A Comparative and Historical Perspective on the United States and European Union,’ Global Society, Vol. 17, no. 4 (2003), section on ‘Cosmopolitanism in Europe’ – (

Evans, Jocelyn. 2001. ‘The Attitudinal Bases of Anti-EU Sentiment in Norway and France,’ paper presented at International Political Science Association, Quebec City, Canada, August. – [JNIS]

Heater, Derek. 1992. The Idea of European Unity (Leicester & London: Leicester University Press) – 320.94 HEA [PC]

Holland, M. 1993. European Integration: From Community to Union (London: Pinter) – MDV/C [Hol]

*Galtung, Johann. 1973. The European Community: a Superpower in the Making (Oslo: Universitetforlaget; London: Allen and Unwin), esp. ch. 2 – [NIS]

Hobsbawm, Eric. 1996. “Ethnicity and Nationalism in Europe Today”, in Gopal Balakrishnan (ed.), Mapping the Nation (London: Verso), pp.255-66. – 320.54 MAP

Essay Question

· Do you believe that the EU will supersede the nation-states of today? Why or why not?

Website by Eric P Kaufmann