Nationalism Course
Nationalism Course

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- Based on lectures from my courses in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict and the Politics of Population Change in the Department of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London.
- If you can attend lectures and seminars twice a week for two years (or four times a week for one year) in London (Bloomsbury WC1), you can take this course live. It runs from 6-8 pm so you can easily attend after work.
- The course forms part of the Masters programme in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict and Masters programme in the Politics of Population, Migration and Ecology. It is also part of the Undergraduate Politics programme. Both are based in the Department of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London.
- Nationalism and Ethnoreligious Conflict Lecture Series:
- Definitions and Theoretical Overview
- The Development of the State
- The Origin of Ethnic Groups
- Theories of Nationalism
- State Nationalism, Nation-Building and Commemoration
- Multi-Ethnic States: Multi-Ethnic Nations and Multi-National States
- Ethnic Nationalism
- National Identity: Ethnic or Civic?
- When Does Nationalism Become Secessionist?: Secession and Irridentism
- Ethnic Violence and Genocide
- Microfoundations of Civil War: Outbidding, Spoilers, Militias
- Secularisation and Religious Fundamentalism
- Religion and Nationalism
- Terrorism, Lobbying and Multiculturalism: Diasporas in International Politics
- Case Study: Britishness and Multiculturalism
- Nationalism and European Unity
- Dominant Ethnicity and the Rise of the Far Right
- Politics of Population Change Lecture Series:
- Demography, Migration and Power: Concepts and Trends
- Youth Bulges and Violent Conflict
- Climate Change, Environment and Conflict
- Population Aging, World Population Shifts and the Global Balance of Power
- The Piketty Thesis: Population Stagnation and the Politics of Inequality
- Demographic and Democratic Transitions
- Nationalism and Demographic Engineering
- Demography and Ethnic Conflict
- Dominant Ethnicity and the ‘Ethnic-Civic’ Typology of National Identity
- ‘The Rest Against the West?’: the Politics of Illegal Migration Flows and Border Control
- Immigration and the Rise of the Far Right in Europe
- ‘White Flight’, Integration and UKIP: Hostility to Immigration in the UK
- ‘Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?’: The Political Demography of Fundamentalism
- Terrorism, Lobbying and Multiculturalism: Diasporas in International Politics
- Political Transformations Lecture Series:
- Liberalisation and Cosmopolitanism in the West, 1750-1945
- Culture Shift: Liberal Attitude Change in the Post-Industrial West
- Individualism, Modernism and Lifestyle Differentiation
- The Decline of Violence in Human History
- Ethnic Groups and the Rise of Nations
- Secularisation and Religious Revival: Islam, Europe and the USA
- The World Population Revolution
- Immigration and the Rise of the Far Right in Europe
- Our Posthuman Future?: Biology and Politics