Immigration and National Identity in the United States


Gratton, Brian (2012). “Demography and Immigration Restriction in United States History,” in Jack A. Goldstone, Eric Kaufmann and Monica Duffy Toft, eds. Political Demography: How Population Changes are Reshaping International Security and National Politics (Boulder: Paradigm).

Reny, Tyler T., Loren Collingwood, and Ali A. Valenzuela (2019). “Vote switching in the 2016 election: How racial and immigration attitudes, not economics, explain shifts in white voting.” Public Opinion Quarterly 83(1): 91-113.

Immigration Attitudes in the US

Jardina, Ashley (2019). White Identity Politics, Cambridge University Press.

Sides, J., Michael Tesler and Lynn Vavreck (2019). Identity Crisis, Princeton University Press.

Margalit, Y. (2019). “Economic insecurity and the causes of populism, reconsidered.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 33(4): 152-170.

Arora, Maneesh. “Immigrant opposition in a changing national demographic.” Political Research Quarterly 73, no. 2 (2020): 340-351.

Hainmueller, Jens, and Michael J. Hiscox (2010). “Attitudes toward highly skilled and low-skilled immigration: Evidence from a survey experiment.” American Political Science Review 104(1): 61-84.

Malhotra, Neil, Yotam Margalit, and Cecilia Hyunjung Mo (2013). “Economic explanations for opposition to immigration: Distinguishing between prevalence and conditional impact.” American Journal of Political Science 57(2): 391-410.

Mutz, D. C. (2018). “Status threat, not economic hardship, explains the 2016 presidential vote.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Walker, Kyle E. and Helga Leitner (2011). “The variegated landscape of local immigration policies in the United States.” Urban Geography 32(2): 156-178.

Valentino, Nicholas A., Ted Brader, and Ashley E. Jardina (2013). “Immigration opposition among US Whites: General ethnocentrism or media priming of attitudes about Latinos?” Political Psychology 34(2): 149-166.

Nationalism and Ethnicity in the USA

Bonikowski, Bart, and Paul DiMaggio. 2016. “Varieties of American Popular Nationalism.” American Sociological Review 81(5):949-980.   

Kaufmann, Eric (2000). “‘Ethnic or Civic Nation? Theorizing the American Case.” Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism 27(1-2): 133-54.

Kaufmann, Eric (2004). The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America: The Decline of Dominant Ethnicity in the United States (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).

Kaufmann, Eric (2004). “The Decline of the WASP in the United States and Canada,” in Eric Kaufmann, ed. Rethinking Ethnicity: Majority Groups and Dominant Minorities (London, Routledge): 61-83.

Solomon, Johanna, David Kaplan, and Landon E. Hancock (2020). “Expressions of American White Ethnonationalism in Support for “Blue Lives Matter”.” Geopolitics.

Immigration and the Ethnic-Civic Distinction

Citrin, Jack, and John Sides (2008). “Immigration and the imagined community in Europe and the United States.” Political Studies 56(1): 33-56.

Joppke, Christian (1999). “How Immigration is Changing Citizenship.” Ethnic & Racial Studies 22(4): 629-52.

Maxwell, Rahsaan (2017). “Occupations, national identity, and immigrant integration.” Comparative Political Studies 50(2): 232-263.

Pehrson, Samuel, Vivian L. Vignoles and Rupert Brown (2009). “National identification and anti-immigrant prejudice: Individual and contextual effects of national definitions.” Social Psychology Quarterly 72(1): 24-38.

Wright, Matthew (2011). “Diversity and the imagined community: Immigrant diversity and conceptions of national identity.” Political Psychology 32(5): 837-862.

Immigration Attitudes (useful for this week and the next two weeks)

Hainmueller, J. and Dan J. Hopkins (2014). “Public Attitudes Toward Immigration.” Annual Review of Political Science 17: 225-249.

Facchini, Giovanni and Anna M. Mayda (2009). “Does the Welfare State Affect Individual Attitudes toward Immigrants? Evidence across Countries.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 91(2): 295-314.

Mayda, Anna M. (2006). “Who is Against Immigration? A Cross-Country Investigation of Individual Attitudes toward Immigrants,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 88(3): 510–30.

Essay Question

  • ‘The United States can accept larger numbers of immigrants than Europe because America is a civic nation while European nations are ethnic.’ Discuss.

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