‘White Flight’, Integration and UKIP: Hostility to Immigration in the UK


Evans, Geoffrey, and Jonathan Mellon (2019). “Immigration, Euroscepticism, and the rise and fall of UKIP.” Party Politics 25(1): 76-87.

Kaufmann, Eric, and Gareth Harris (2015). ““White flight” or positive contact? Local diversity and attitudes to immigration in Britain.” Comparative Political Studies 48(12): 1563-1590.

Attitudes Towards Immigration

Blinder, Scott (2015). “Imagined immigration: The impact of different meanings of ‘immigrants’ in public opinion and policy debates in Britain.” Political Studies 63(1): 80-100.

Creighton, Mathew J., and Amaney A. Jamal (2020). “An overstated welcome: Brexit and intentionally masked anti-immigrant sentiment in the UK.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Ford, Robert (2011). “Acceptable and unacceptable immigrants: How opposition to immigration in Britain is affected by migrants’ region of origin.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies 37(7): 1017-1037.

Hellwig, Timothy and Abdulkader Sinno (2017). “Different groups, different threats: public attitudes towards immigrants.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43(3): 339-358.

Hix, Simon, Eric Kaufmann, and Thomas J. Leeper (2020). “Pricing immigration.” Journal of Experimental Political Science.

Schwartz, Cassilde, Miranda Simon, David Hudson, and Jennifer van-Heerde-Hudson (2020). “A Populist Paradox? How Brexit Softened Anti-Immigrant Attitudes.” British Journal of Political Science.


Clarke, Harold, Paul Whiteley, Walter Borges, David Sanders and Marianne Stewart (2016). “Modelling the dynamics of support for a right-wing populist party: The case of UKIP.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 26(2): 135-154.

Dennison, James and Matthew Goodwin (2015). “Immigration, issue ownership and the rise of UKIP.” Parliamentary Affairs 68(1): 168-187.

Ford, Robert, and Matthew Goodwin (2014). “Understanding UKIP: Identity, social change and the left behind.” The Political Quarterly 85(3): 277-284.

  • For a more in-depth treatment, see Ford, Robert and Matthew Goodwin (2014). Revolt on the Right: Explaining support for the radical right in Britain (London: Routledge).

Kaufmann, Eric (2017). “Levels or changes? Ethnic context, immigration and the UK Independence Party vote.” Electoral Studies 48: 57-69.

Levi, Eugenio, Rama Dasi Mariani and Fabrizio Patriarca (2020). “Hate at first sight? Dynamic aspects of the electoral impact of migration: the case of Ukip.” Journal of Population Economics 33(1): 1-32.

The British National Party

Biggs, Michael, and Steven Knauss (2012). “Explaining Membership in the British National Party: A Multilevel Analysis of Contact and Threat.” European Sociological Review 28(5): 633-46.

Bowyer, Benjamin (2008). “Local context and extreme right support in England: The British National Party in the 2002 and 2003 local elections.” Electoral Studies 27(4):611-20.

Goodwin, Matthew (2011). New British Fascism: Rise of the British National Party (Abingdon: Routledge).

Ford, Robert and Matthew J. Goodwin (2010). “Angry White Men: Individual and Contextual Predictors of Support for the British National Party.” Political Studies 58(1):1-25.

Essay Question

  • Does the presence of larger numbers of minorities lead members of the ethnic majority to become more or less hostile to immigration in Britain?

Website by Eric P Kaufmann